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step one

Shadaw the Rampage

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question how do i get the proximity alarm. now i understand proximity means "getting close enough" and alarm means "warning" so putting it togeather i gotta be close to her. but i litterally ran circles around her and that didnt work. she'd aim for me id move. shes move id dodge her attack. so im a little stumped.

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I got only the books and then got out of the library, but I didn't get them in my inventory. What did I do wrong?


In order to get the bonus books, you have to collect them AND the green glowing objects. Then you have to play again and only collect the glowing ones to complete "The Task At Hand".

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If you leave without all four glowing green objects, it does not count you as having completed the task.


@Shadaw: Did you complete the task after running circles around her? Were you directly next to her?

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In order to get the bonus books, you have to collect them AND the green glowing objects. Then you have to play again and only collect the glowing ones to complete "The Task At Hand".

I already completed "The Task At Hand". In fact I completed all the tasks. Now I want the books.


Thanks for the answers everyone. I guessed it had to do with that when Hanso said he got all the artifacts, and there was a button with "play again".

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In order to get the bonus books, you have to collect them AND the green glowing objects. Then you have to play again and only collect the glowing ones to complete "The Task At Hand".


Seriously? <_< I did all three tasks, but I do NOT want to try and run from Xandra again, so I just bought the books instead of earning them :P


What do we do after we finish these tasks? Just wait?

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Best Tip for the 3rd achievement (where she has to be one square away from you): Collect all the items, then move onto the rug (By the door). At this point, just click clicking the space you are on: (DO NOT CLICK THE DOOR) Then you just wait till she is near you (she can be diagonal to you to collect this)

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thing is i didnt get it doing it that way and i have the screen shot of getting it alfter escaping with a bonus book. so i think its tied to the bonus books and not the actual proximity of her.




or maybe were both right. maybe theres two ways of earning it?

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I didn't see anyone mention this yet, but you can clear away the rubble she casts. Clicking on it on one turn clears part of the rubble away. Clicking again on a second turn clears the rest of the rubble and moves you into the square it occupied.


really? thats good to know. ill have to try that in a minute XD




i just tryed it thanks for the tip. adding it to the main as soon as i finish this round.

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She actually teleported herself all of the way across the room, as far away from me as she could possibly get...lol

She did that once with me too. She was near me and then she teleported herself across the room. She can be stupid sometimes.

On the other hand sometimes she's smart, like teleporting herself right next to you.

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I got all of the fearless deeds at the same time, it took a couple of tries but I really do believe it was the easiest way to do it. :)

It took me a while to notice she could only Shoot the way that her hand was pointing... Major Fail for me, As I was too afraid to get any close to her incase she shot at me :whistle:

After I had collected all of the Artefacts I basically just circled around her for a while, making sure I stayed out of the path of her hand, Then she teleported away from me, and then I made a quick dash for the door. :)

Edited by Atta
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