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Hello! Well, even though my current Neopets account says I'm 1 month old, I've actually been playing for 10 years, but I can't access my main, hence this new account =D I spend most of my time investing in the Stock Market, playing Pyramids/Sakhmet Solitare, and attempting to get into the Neopian Times. Oh, and I am obsessed with Biscuit Yurbles.

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Yeah, same thing happend to my account! I think I was about 10 when I first started so I 'pretended' I was over 13 so I didn't need to deal with the parent permission rules (I'm 18 now, this was waaay back) So yeah, think I filled in a random birthday and then when I forgot my pasword I well err.. haha anyways starting over isn't all THAT bad. It's kinda fun in a way. More things yet to do! :) Welcome to TDN :)

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Well welcome!! I hope you enjoy as much as everyone does here ;). I'm Kai and the excact thing happened to me with my account, but I just wrote TNT saying that I may had maken a mistake entering my birthdate and they replied saying that I have to send them an e-mail with enough proofs like neofriends, items, recent neomails etc. I didn't give much information because I didn't remember, but that was enough, they sent me an e-mail back with my birthdate :)

I hope you recover your old account. And welcome again :)

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WOW! A Neopets veteran~


Hey, I'm also trying to get into the NT. Wanna work on a collaboration some time?

And about the stocks.... good luck mate! half of mine just skyrocketed. :P


I'm Fable, by the way. Or Richard. Either way works.

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@Gine - lol, I was honest when I signed up for the very first time (I was about 7 back then), and then I made another account (the one I cant get into) several years later but I cheated and said I was 18 ;)


@Kai - ah, thanks for the tip ;)


@fable - I'd love to =D and as for stocks, I'm not doing too well atm now that I've sold MPC

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