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Looking for strong BD pet!

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I recently got a space faerie code from a friend, and decided I could try and challenge her with my Cybunny (rawrmmmz) since he had the most hitpoints of all my pets. Sadly enough he couldn't hardly beat her, and I wonder if anyone had a pet for me to borrow for a day so I can beat her and get the avatar?


Or if you're a BD expert, can someone give a link to a good technique to beat the space faerie and can they look if my pet would be able to beat her at all?


Thanks a bunch in advance :)

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Personally, I havent beaten her because I dont have her as a challenger! Congratz on that! ^_^ But I do know people that havent beaten her with the ALP Battledome pet. :yes: As for items, they used the TDN guide for her. You are going to need higher HP than rawrmmmz has! :laughingsmiley:

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I recently got a space faerie code from a friend, and decided I could try and challenge her with my Cybunny (rawrmmmz) since he had the most hitpoints of all my pets. Sadly enough he couldn't hardly beat her, and I wonder if anyone had a pet for me to borrow for a day so I can beat her and get the avatar?


Or if you're a BD expert, can someone give a link to a good technique to beat the space faerie and can they look if my pet would be able to beat her at all?


Thanks a bunch in advance :)


Hey viridian. Try the pet lending. they are lending a battledome pet! Good Luck!!!

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@Domino: That is amazing guide, but it would require 250+ STR.


How ever, I was able to beat SF with 150ish HPs.


Get 2 Voidberry Potions, Thick Smoke Bomb, Downsize!, Jade Elixir. You need Burrow and Sink as abilities


Start with 2 V-Pots and Burrow.

Make sure you have good amount of HP left.

Then use 2 V-pots and Sink.

Then follow up with D! and V-Pot + defend.

At this point, make sure SF only has ~100-150 left.

V-pot + TSB + your strongest ability. (Not a faerie one, species)

If she's still alive, use V-pot and Jade Elixir. and if she still won't die, keep using 2 V-pots and defend until the battle ends.


This is a easy way, but may require some amount of tries, even if you do get her to 100ish HP before starting to use the one-use items.


The set costs 160k + TSB (10k) and J-Elixir (6k?) for each time you use them.

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I borrowed TDN's Battlepet Bruno and managed to beat the space faerie with the guide from ~Lurkerkilla


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