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sure why not.. rate my new set


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any opinions on things that should be changed/altered?


constructive criticism muchly appreciated ^_^


oh and for those curious images used are 1 offical wallpaper and 2 screen caps form the anime moonphase(i had a hard choice trying to decide weather todo the set on that or desert punk)

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heres proof that i spend more time then i should working on small graphics


screen cap of the layers of the photoshop file. (on larger images i name the layers and usually put them in folders as well because i end up with so many)


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Teach me how do do something like that, with all those masks and layers... I, I can't compete.

most learning is just playing around, altho ill admit i didnt learn about masks until a digital imaging course in college, maybe if TDN opens a graphics thing ill do some tutorials for them. altho i havnt made tutorials since i use to make ones for MS paint to make the cartoon dolls that use to be so popular. since almost all tutorials for them were for photoshop and PSP.


altho if you ever have any trouble/questions with photoshop feel free to msg me.

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after the holidays are over ill make a tutorial since everyone seems to want one, and iwll probly open a stand, just too much going on t the moment

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I'm not so sure about the avatar. The picture looks a bit violent to me which turns me off. I've never cared for the glow around a font; it just looks unprofessional to me. I do like the boarder around it though - very nice. I also like the clear crisp lines in the picture; it can be hard to find such a detailed picture that works well at that size. It also doesn't go with the signature very well. I mean they don't necessarily look like a true "set".


The signature - Awesome!!! 8/10. Sorry I grade tough. I wouldn't rate the one I made for myself any higher than that (6.5-7.0 probably). I love the right 3/4 of it. It is perfect, except maybe the aqua color on the far right, which I don't think is quite balanced enough elsewhere in the image. The face to the far left doesn't quite seem like it fits to me. I like the idea, but something doesn't "feel" right. I do like that the image is an "up close" one - if you know what I mean - I mean it isn't something "far away" like a landscape or the other side of a room. I think a face would be perfect. Perhaps you find one of him that has a little of that color on the far right side in it? Don't know if that is possible. And I must also agree that the white line across the bottom and the color being darker/clearer/whatever is not quite right. My first impression when I saw it was that your image was perfect, buy that line was keeping me from saying it. Again I like the concept, but something doesn't quite seem right. But even without any changes to the whole image I'd still say it is awsome!!


Anyway, I think you do great work! Please don't take the comments as negative - just basic constructive criticism. Goodness, I do hate to think what you'll say of mine after all this. LOL! Oh, I'm sure I'll like to hear it anyway. I know mine isn't that great, but it was fun. :) I figure I just might get better in time. I have a lot to learn.


Edited to say: Yikes! Sorry my post was so long!

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i dont see how pinching his cheeks could be conisdered violent O.o plus i consider it a set as its the same anime(also therei s no glow setting on the font)


also i oculda changed the color in the original imageo fh te one one on the right but i felt that it would be too monochromatic. as for his face its that oclor becuase its a moonlite night and he is so much darker then her becuase he has a darker skin tone(tho not as nosticable as i played wih the colors of my avi) also thats the main image i wanted to use as im a photographer and that picture of him teaching her to use his camera is kinda a relitive thing to the series and why i love it so much.(actully the avi is too but its a little more mood swing with the photo in my sig and look too odd directly next to each other heh)


and dont feel bad as i said constructive


as far as theb order after looking i agree mosrlt becuase i used a diffrent width for the black line around hte entire thing as i did on the text and line directly under it. it was added tho to kinda help give the image foundation so it dosnt look just thrown on


--EDIT--- err sorry for typo city on that more then normal, lol *too lazy to fix it now*

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lol yea i know im not saying you shouldnt have said any of it, i just still dont think it looks violent at all, maybe because ive seen the episode the screen cap is from.

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