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Can anybody help with site themes?

The Score in Blue

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Hi, I had just logged in to Neopets and my navigational bar decided to come up all weird.

It is not purple (I am using Neopets Purple as my theme), and it is black. The clock has also disappeared


The buttons are still there but now I have to resort to using boring old Neopets themes: blue.

It works fine when I change it to blue, red or yellow.


Is it a problem on my side or Neopets?

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I suggest going through all your petpages, pet descriptions, or any other coding places you can think of! Profile, shop, gallery. If you see any strange coding you didn't put there, erase it. The problem you are having may be some kind of CG. I read that if something wierd such as sideways active neopets or strange things(Such as yours) happening to your navigation or theme could be a sign of CG...


I would, just to be safe, erase all things that can be personally coded. If you need help with anything, neomail me~

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Well, if clearing your cache and/or switching browsers doesn't seem to help, then it's probably a problem on Neopets' side. These problems are usually temporary though. :yes:

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Great, thanks for all your help!


Checked back like three hours later (switched back to purple), and it's back up and running :cool:

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