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clueless newbie! please help!


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Welcome to the TDN forums! I didn't know anyone here when I first joined, but everyone here is super-friendly. I'm sure you'll get to know some of us pretty quickly. Just watch out for stray meepits and keep your toes protected! (:


The ALP is a great program for gaining avatars. Make sure you read through everything on that part of the forum; it will explain all of the rules. Then, if you have any questions, there are lots of us here that will be happy to answer. Basically, you need to have full collateral for item borrowing. Pet borrowing is a little different. Your post count on the forum is important for that, so keep posting! Remember, though, that posting in Games doesn't count toward your post count, so participate everywhere!

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oohh okay, i'll remember that! thanks! yeah, i just read all the ALP rules and forum rules, so now i at least have a little bit of an idea what to do. i don't plan on doing any pet-borrowing, anyway, but mostly because i have four pets already. thanks for the advice, and i'll watch out for those meepits too :D

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*sniffles* That's... that's the first time anyone has warned about us in months. *sniffle* *wipes tears away*

And by "us," of course, I mean myself and Laura. We dwell beneath the snack table, which is over there. *points left* Laura eats toes. But feel free to take some snacks anyway. ;)


As Meghan said, we're all pretty friendly, and (we hope) helpful. A lot of people start off as clueless newbies, but that's why we're here, so feel free to ask if you have any more questions, 'kay? And good luck with your hunt for avatars!


By the way, my name is Livvy. Pleased to meet you.

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Welcome to TDN. I'm Spritzie. :)


If anyone says anything other than that we're all amazing, friendly, and helpful... well, just ignore them. What do they know? :laughingsmiley:


Livvy and Meghan have given great advice, so I will leave it there for now. But never hesitate to ask questions, if you have any.

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