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Any rare/painted pets you've rescued today?


Don't question why I adopt so many, I like to help people get their dream pets. :)


I'm putting the ones I get up for adoption (not including the cybunny), so check out the adoption thread if you are looking for some pets that are painted.


Today I've rescued a:

Christmas Lenny

Christmas Uni

Christmas Zafara

Christmas Korbat

Christmas Tuskaninny

Christmas Grarrl

Mutant JubJub

Biscuit Ruki

Starry Lupe

Starry Grarrl

Ghost Yurble

Cybunny!!! :)

Split Lenny

Rainbow Peophin



And seriously guys, I'm not gonna go all sob story on you, but you should really consider browsing through the pound. You might find a pet you love, and could save thousands on that paintbrush. The only downside is a bad name :/ but some pets in the pound have some decent names.


I agree with you for looking through the pound :laughingsmiley:


People don't know what they might come across


I adopted a UC Plushie Bori from the pound a while back

It's pure luck and timing but you never know :P


I am looking through the pound right now, nothing cool yet...


It usually takes me about 10 minutes to find anything painted, and they are most often Christmas, which I usually miss because they basically look the same without clothing, such as the Christmas JubJub, which looks like a green JubJub with brown feet. They are easy to miss. I've missed alot of Spotted pets also.


You can find alot of LEs there too. Especially Kikos.


Lol this is random but today when my chicken wings were done I said I wouldn't get them until I found a painted and a Cloud pet appeared. Probably just luck..



Jeesh I talk too much. Byee.





I agree with you for looking through the pound :laughingsmiley:


People don't know what they might come across


I adopted a UC Plushie Bori from the pound a while back

It's pure luck and timing but you never know :P



Lucky! I never come across anything really special. The best I've probably found is a Rainbow. I think. No one lists the correct prices anymore.


I used to go pound serving all the time... But these days I just want pets with good names, I'll get the color for them eventually :)


I didn't adopt them, but I have seen some cool ones, like Robot Gelert, Zombie Uni, Faerie Uni.


I've adopted some painted ones in the past, like Disco, Christmas, Glowing..


Last I adopted was a Disco Kougra (I love kougras!)


My Khissey was also adopted... It was on those days that everyone abandoned their pets to get a draik. He was just green though, zapped him speckled.


I have a list of clotheless christmas painted pets that are in the pound, if anyone wants. just tell me what species specifically you are looking for.


I have the clothes for a Christmas Grundo, if anyone wants it. Last I checked the clothings original owner (ANewDayHasComeAgain) is still in the pound, but I'll give the clothing to any Christmas Grundo.


haha, I'm the person that pounds all these pets ^_^ I adopt a pet from the pound with an alright name, zap it a couple of times, then see if anybody I know wants it (ZYDP's and anybody else I know), and if nobody does, I pound it again ^_^ I figure its more likely to be adopted than it was before it was unpainted, so meh lol. Can't at the minute though, I'm full up with dreamies lol


Well here are the names if anyone wants.

mistletoe_queen- Christmas acara

Sunny7068- Christmas acara

snoow_y- Christmas bruce

__valeska__ - Christmas bruce

Comit826- Christmas bruce

snowblue411- Christmas bruce

star1588- Christmas bruce

Bug20- Christmas buzz

Buzzy_Halloween- Christmas buzz

buxi3- Christmas buzz

Sunny_Puppy_200- Christmas gelert

po_23- Christmas grundo

mow11- Christmas grundo

LUs1A- Christmas grundo

Dragogrundala- Christmas grundo

GreenGrundoDude_001- Christmas grundo

Mufumufumu- Christmas grundo

PUTEZ- Christmas grundo

Super3602- Christmas jubjub

smaug33813- Christmas jubjub

littlejubjub_1_1- Christmas jubjub

bolita40- Christmas jubjub

Greenie308- Christmas jubjub

Topherr__Gracee- Christmas jubjub

kouugra___12- Brown moehog

Moehog_Yaje_Jr- Brown moehog

LOUIS715- Christmas nimmo

goldenbuddy3658- Christmas nimmo

__Master__Cheif____ - Christmas usul

crystal_1296- Christmas usul

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