tempdisplay Posted July 23, 2010 Posted July 23, 2010 I had the idea last night/this morning and I've written my short story today. It isn't my first, I did a Christmas one, No Snow?, that I'll have to enter during the Christmas season. In Spoiler tags: Reveal hidden contents The summer afternoon was calm in the suburbs of NeopiaCentral until a Christmas Mynci came forth running home to meet his oldersisters with news of great importance. “Croy, Kitthie, I’ve got something to tell you!” Heexclaimed at the Chia and Wocky who were basking in the sun. His immediate older sister, Kitthie, immediately sat up andblurted out, “The Altador Committee realised they made a mistake withcalculations and Maraqua actually won the Altador Cup!” A big grin crossed herface. She gave a high-five to her sister who struck her left arm up, from lyingface flat on a mat, to instigate the expression of triumph. A puzzled look crossed Cheikz’s face, “No,” he slowly began,“the Wheels of Neopia are in trouble! We’ve got to save them.” “Oh,” Kitthie replied; then she lay back down to continuesun bathing. This wasn’t the reply Cheikz was hoping for. The Wheels ofNeopia were great fun, for those who could access them. Cheikz and his sistersdidn’t live in a land with a Wheel, but when they occasionally visited otherlands, they were sure to take a spin on their Wheel. Cheikz was the baby of thefamily, seen to others as a little kid. He wanted to take that tag off; he’dalways wanted to prove himself. By saving the Wheels of Neopia, he’d be recognised,honoured and respected by the whole of Neopia. It seemed like quite a task, buthis sisters and he have done some pretty wild things in their time. Hehad to do this. He subsequently told his sisters all this and they listened. “We’re going to need some food, weapons, oh and super cooloutfits for the trip. This is going to be so exciting,” the previously cynicalChristmas Wocky informed as the siblings were all gearing up for their quest. “Let’s just wear comfortable clothing, but we will need someweapons. I’ll see what we have,” Croy, the oldest and order of the siblingssaid. Hence the kids got all they needed slash wanted, and headedout. Three kids on a mission, walking coolly through the streets.Cheikz, the boy in the middle, stern face, clenched fist, rugged walk, nothingcan stop a man on a mission. Croy, the white haired girl on the right, straightface, free walk, she just wanted this done and over with. Kitthie, on the left,bright happy face, hands and hips swaying in unison, a bouncy walk, she wasmilking the attention from others. “Ouch! Who put that rock there?” Kitthie muffled through thedirt, she had tripped and fallen face flat. “This is embarrassing, my khakitrousers, white shirt, ruined. I have to go back and change,” she got updusting herself off. Cheikz was angry that the fall ruined their whole mo-jo, butinstead he said, “No Kitthie, we’ll be messy anyway from the fight with thosehorrid creatures from the dark with no feelings just sheer malice that have hijackedthe Wheels,” he said that part with intent. Pulling her along; “Let’s go! We’vegot to get to Brightvale before sundown.” The Wheel of Knowledge was theirclosest Wheel. *** “This is why I prefer Meridell,” Kitthie began lookinguncertain as they walked the path to the Wheel of Knowledge. “Meridell is a bitmore modern, this place creeps me out with its oldness.” “Is oldness even a word?” Croy asked. “Yes.” Still in the lead, Cheikz hissed at his sisters, “Shhh, keepyour voices down. We don’t want to look like rascals, what if the king islooking?” “Oh right, the king. I’ve got to get to the castle to seethe huge library there, all those books,” Croy replied. They finally approached the Wheel of Knowledge. The Wheelkeeper, a Green Draik, greeted them. “The Wheel looks different,” Kitthie whispered to Croy whonodded. “We have come to save the Wheel of Knowledge from turmoil,”Cheikz stated boldly with a sturdy blue sword held out. The Green Draik looked amused, “Well children; the Wheel ofKnowledge was the first Wheel of Neopia to be saved. It looks like you are toolate. The other Wheels could still be in trouble.” “I see,” Cheikz looked disappointed, “what Neopian villainhas hijacked the Wheels?” “Villain?” the Draik questioned, “There is no…” He was cut off by Croy who began pushing her siblings out,“I’ve got to get to the castle before night time. Thank you for your time kindsir,” she said waving goodbye to the Draik who smiled and waved back. “Croy, he was about to say who the villain was,” Cheikzwhined, “We need to be prepared for them.” “Well I need to explore the castle. Oh great, it’sclosed,” Croy sarcastically said. “We’ve got to hit the hay anyway, it’s nighttime now and we need energy for tomorrow.” “So the next Wheel we need to head to is…” “…the other one on this piece of earth…” “…erm, guys,” with her paw up as to ask a question, Kitthieinterrupted her siblings’ discussion. “Isn’t that,” she gulped. “Yes Kitthie,” Croy replied, “It’s the Wheel of Misfortune,in the Haunted Woods.” *** Three sacred kids, one utterly terrified, walked through theHaunted Woods, grasping each other tight. “I-I h-hate t-this p-p-p-lace,” Kitthie stammered throughchattering teeth. “Argh!” Croy yelled, a ghost Meepit brushed past her, “metoo,” she cried, holding on tighter to her siblings. “You’d think it’d be less scary during the day. It’s not.” With a sigh, Cheikz informed his sisters, “We don’t want toattract attention, like in Brightvale, but this time, it isn’t aboutreputation; it’s about staying alive. Look, the Deserted Fairground is upahead, just lay low.” Past the critical Castle of Eliv Thade, past the hideousBrain Tree, eerie Spooky Petpets, they finally made their way to the open gatesof the Deserted Fairground. “Why do they call it deserted anyway?” Kitthie asked with agulp. “Because no bodied soul dwells in it,” Croy replied. Thesisters gripped each other even tighter. “Except for Sidney,” Cheikz informed. “He’s the Wheel Keeperof the Wheel of Misfortune.” They entered the dead carnival, “Just like the Wheel to beat the other end of the Fairground; we’ll have to go ‘round all those creepyattractions.” “Well, let’s just go in and get this done and over with,”Cheikz began going in but then felt a cold presence around him. He looked backto see his sisters still clutched tight at the gates. “What are you doing? Comein,” he ordered irritated. “I’m trying to but Kitthie here is frozen stiff,” Kitthie’sface was pales, eyes widened, she wouldn’t let go of Croy. “You’ll have to goin yourself, sorry.” “O-okay,” Cheikz unsurely replied. He then continued on hisway to the Wheel of Misfortune. “Oh remember that I said, ‘except Sidney’,yeah, there are bodied souls who run the attractions here, so I guess yourdefinition is invalid Croy,” he laughed slightly to himself; he forgot he wasall alone. When he got to the Wheel, there was no soul there. “Where’sSidney?” he asked himself. “Oh I forgot, Sidney runs the scratch cards.There’s no one, nothing, here. Nothing I can see. Argh!” He screamed runningflailing his arms around. “He got to the gate; run!” He yelled at his sisters.This brought Kitthie back to consciousness. “I thought you said we shouldn’t make any noise,” Kitthieasked, front of the pack. “We’ve got to get out of here, I don’t trust this place. Andanyway, the boat for Tyrannia leaves soon,” he tried not to sound like a scaredyoung kid and hypocritical. *** A smell of the past filled the Tyrannian air; it wasprobably the unwashed bodies and fur and skin clothes. Where did those comefrom? “And that’s what they do to civilians when they find themlost and alone,” Croy said. “Gross. We’ve got to get to the Wheel of Mediocrity,” Cheikzsaid. Still straightening herself up, Kitthie said, “That was theworst boat journey ever, cramped doesn’t even begin to describe it. Next timeCheikz go for a better ride,” her brother wasn’t listening, he’d found a blueLupe, in a yellow Kougra striped patterned shirt, - we don’t know what poorsoul that came from - to ask for directions. “We is lookin’, searchin’, for big wheel…” Cheikz was cut ofby Croy. She whispered to him, “Use uggas.” “Oh right, thanks,” he replied then continued speaking withexaggerated hand gestures. “We is lookin’ ugga, for ugga ugga wheel circlething. Ugga.” “The Wheel of Mediocrity you mean? Why that’s right overthere,” the blue Lupe pointed opposite him at the dull Wheel. “Thank ugga you ugga ugga much,” Cheikz replied with a slownod and smile; then the kids headed to the Wheel. “Silly city kids, they can’t even speak English properly,ha,” the blue Lupe said to himself; then went back to his game of mini-golf. “I can feel the dullness already,” Kitthie said as theyarrived at the Wheel of Mediocrity. The Wheel looked different but they hadn’t noticed. Thekeeper seemed so bored, the whole aura of the place was bland; it didn’t makepeople regard the place. “We’re here to save the Wheel of Mediocrity,” Cheikz said,not bothered to bring the sword out. “Save the Wheel of Mediocrity? Why would anyone want to dothat? We were lucky enough to have the society help us,” the keeper said in adragged voice. “Oh, you’ve already been saved. Well, we’ll be off,” Cheikzsaid. “You don’t want to take a spin? Or stick around for awhile?” “Nah, we’ve got places to go.” This disappointed the keeper who always lacked company.That’s why he was always so down. He watched the happy siblings walk of to theWheel of Monotony, longing for companions of his own. He looked back to a boxof Airaxes, that’s all he had to talk to. The journey up to the Plateau wasn’t so bad. It was rockyand dusty, but to the kids, nothing was worse than the Haunted Woods. The Wheelof Monotony was close by so they got there quickly. They didn’t understand whatthe keeper was saying but figured that this Wheel didn’t need saving either, itdidn’t look like it was in trouble. It looked spiffy and all done up. Thesecond day of their journey had started to go dark so it was time they lay downfor the night. They set up camp with the people who were waiting for concerttickets to be available. To be mischievous, they went to buy tickets for aconcert that night even though they didn’t need it, it cost some other peoplewho actually wanted and had waited to get the ticket for the concert, anotherday of stalking the ticket booth. Croy, Kitthie and Cheikz just laughed to eachother. *** “Now how are we meant to get all the way up there?” Kitthieasked her siblings who were also looking up at the Faerieland in the skies. The gang pondered various ways of getting to the cloud city,from Pteris to calling out loud for a Faerie. Nothing seemed practical. Thebest thing was to head back to the Market Place in Neopia Central to buy abottled Faerie. Kitthie wasn’t happy about taking another tight boat ride. They found a bottled Fire Faerie, a good Faerie. She kindlyteleported the kids to Faerieland as a thank you for releasing her from her glassprison. On the cloud city, the kids walked uncertainly; scared they could fallstraight through. The only reason they didn’t like going to Faerieland. Thatand Jhudora. “Welcome kiddies to the Wheel of Excitement! Neopias mostpopular Wheel! A spin only costs 500 Neopoints,” she Light Faerie Wheel Keepercheerily said. She was nice. “500 Neowhat? Okay, what’s going on here? All the Wheelslook like Neocash items, you and the other keepers look like you’ve beenpainted with some sort of fancy Paint Brush; the prices to spin have allchanged. Why aren’t you in trouble?” Cheikz fumed. The Light Faerie was set aback, “Didn’t you here about theSave the Wheels campaign?” “Yes we did, that’s why we,” he gestured to his sisters whowere shading their eyes from the Light Faerie, how her brightness didn’t affectCheikz, they didn’t know. It probably showed how determined he was, “came here.To Save the Wheels from trouble.” “I really don’t know what you’re talking about. The NeopianConservation Society set up the campaign to revamp all the Wheels as they, andwe the keepers, started to get stale. Things have to change,” she explained tothem. “Oh,” Cheikz felt like crying. Then he shook the emotion offailure from his body, “well girls,” he turned around to his sisters, anger inhis eyes, “we need to pay the Neopian Conservation Society a little visit.” They headed to the sky diving complex, not many people knowof this place, to order parachutes. They then set course for Neopia Central anddived down towards it. “This is the best part of going to Faerieland!” Kitthieexclaimed through the air pressure pushing at her face. *** The office doors slammed open, the doodling red Lenny lookedup to see three nervous faces and one furious one. “I tried to stop them sir but they just rushed in,” theLenny’s assistant said, trying to justify herself. “It’s okay Maria, you can go,” the Lenny replied with asmile. “And who do you happen to be?” Cheikz walk up to the Lenny’s wooden table and slammed afist on it. “I demand an explanation. Why did you say the Wheels needed saving.I, I mean we, went on wild goose chase.” “The Wheels did need saving boy. I’m confused as towhat you mean.” “None of the Wheels of Neopia were hijacked; in fact, theyall looked new and spiffy.” “Yes – don’t touch that,” he gestured at Croy and Kitthiewho were fiddly around the art and ornament filled office. “We needed Neopointdonations to fix the Wheels up. They all lacked Neopoints to keep running. Ifyou wanted to help them, you should have just come here to donate some Neopoints,”he laughed, Croy and Kitthie joined him. Cheikz felt as if there were all mocking him, he waked outof the building distraught. “Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend your friend,” theLenny said remorseful. “It was all a big misunderstanding, I’m sorry.” “Brother,” Croy corrected, “And it’s alright.” “If there’s anyway I can make it up to you guys.” “No, no, we’ll just head out.” “Actually, I wouldn’t mind a…” Croy pulled Kitthie out ofthe room. She felt that no item could mend Cheikz’s disappointment so theyshouldn’t ask for or get anything. They rushed to meet their brother who was stumbling towardstheir house. One sister at each side to guide him, they tried to cheer him up. “So this didn’t work out,” started Croy, “something else willturn up. I’m sure of it.” “Yeah Cheikz, you’re no baby in our eyes; after todayanyway. You’re the bravest guy I know,” was Kitthie’s cheer up message. Those worked on their younger brother. “I guess so,” hesmiled. Something hit him as he remembered their journey, when they were inFaerieland. “Hey, I could try and complete all of Jhudora’s Quests, I’ll get acool trophy and everything, I’d be recognised, youngest and firstnon-possessed person to do it,” he rushed inside the house to get geared up forhis new found mission. “Come on!” His sisters gave each other a worried look, and in unison,they both dropped down to the ground due to globetrotting fatigue. Enjoy ^_^ Quote
Divya Bean Posted July 23, 2010 Posted July 23, 2010 Great story! The spacing is kinda weird but it was good. The only thing is, I dont understand the ending. Is there some significance to lying down from fatigue? If not, I suggest that you make the ending somehow related to the story so that it raps it up. :) But great job! Quote
ΩCCΩ Posted July 24, 2010 Posted July 24, 2010 It is very well-written, when are you gonna submit it to the NT cuz I am sure that it would be accepted. :D Quote
tempdisplay Posted July 28, 2010 Author Posted July 28, 2010 Thanks guys! I've edited it to fix errors and describe the fatigue as "globe trotting" as they're tired from traveling :yes: Quote
CAV of Gang Green Posted July 31, 2010 Posted July 31, 2010 This is an awesome story that deserves a spot in the next edition of NT. Quote
antiaircraft Posted August 11, 2010 Posted August 11, 2010 *has finally gotten around to reading this* Uyi, your writing is awesome as always! :D You have a very unique way of putting a humorous spin on things while still fitting them perfectly into the natural flow of the story. Quote
tempdisplay Posted August 19, 2010 Author Posted August 19, 2010 It's been held over!!! A awesome friend read over it, pointing at my errors allowing me to fix them and now it's been held over! :D:D:D Thank you all for reading x) Now, for that article, and detective series x___x Sorry Theo, I don't think I can write up a new series, not during this holiday anyway Quote
antiaircraft Posted August 20, 2010 Posted August 20, 2010 Heh, well I have two series which I should really get to writing sometime soon. xD Quote
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