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Hyello! :D


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Hi! I'm Melody.


I made a Neopets account today out of boredom... and then I made an account here just now. haha

I played Neopets back when I was 7 (I think) o__________o well it was a long time ago. I tried logging in but I forgot my password & fake birthday (shh, you know you had one too u_u) so... I made another one! Yay.

I don't know how seriously I'm going to be playing Neopets, but my sister pizzaconnie plays it everyday (you can't communicate with her in any neo-way due to the fact that she's under 13).

Yeah... so hi! 8D


Also, if you understand my pet's name, we can be best friends forever c:


ALSO ALSO, what happened to jazz_invincible or whatever his name was? :O He was legendary back in my day...

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Guest Yoshinho

Hello and Welcome! I am yoshinho or yoshi. Please read the rules.


Remember to also check out my forums! www.yoshiforums.b1.jcink.com! Completly safe!


Wait so out of boredom, you make a neopets account. Is that how people register these days?

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Wait so out of boredom, you make a neopets account. Is that how people register these days?

haha, yeah, pretty much ^_^ Your story sounds just like mine, except I was 12 and my account got purdged (I remember my username and it no longer exsists). Welcome! :D Just make sure you read the rules (just simple ones, mostly for security reasons and anti-spaming), then pop over to whatever forum floats your goat! I personally like the help and news forums, as theres always something to talk about :P


So hello!... Again... lol. Feel free to ask any questions you might have :) We don't bite ;)

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Hi! I am Divya. *shakes hand through computer* :D


I have no idea what the name means, but I love how it sounds! I still hope that we can be friends though. ^_^


Anyways, I hope you have fun here and feel free to ask questions!

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1. Welcome to TDN. I'm CAV, TDN's Video Game Addict.

2. Wipe your feet before you enter.

3. Don't always be so serious, exept in "Debate and Discussion", which has a few special rules.

4. Which reminds me, follow all TDN rules. We don't want you in trouble now do we?

5. Don't be afraid to ask people questions.

6. Try to join HAMS, the dominant group on TDN. I'm one of the Leaders and Founders, so I should be able to help you.


Yes I do have a fake birthday, since I joined Neo when I was 11.

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