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Pet Lookup CSS Help


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I appologize if this is in the wrong section. I thought it should go here since it's neopets CSS help.


Okay so I'm kind of new to CSS. I know some basic HTML and that's it. So I looked up some tutorials and made a look up ofr my new Maraquan Draik, Zedrekia. However It's not showing up when I actually update her description. It only shows up when I preview it. I don't know what's wrong. Here's an example of what I'm getting when I preview it


(I have a wide monitor so that's why it's so stretched)


here is my code:





#main {

background: none;

border: none;



body {

background: #62D0FF URL('http://thundafunda.com/33/underwater-animals-fish/Los%20Roques%20Reef,%20Venezuela%20pictures%20underwater%20photos.jpg') center no-repeat;



.contentModuleHeader, .contentModuleHeaderAlt {

font: 16px batang;

font-weight: bold;

color: #8FFF6F;

text-align: center;

text-transform: uppercase;

letter-spacing: 5px;

background-color: #2F74D0;

padding: 5px;

border-top: 3px dotted #6699CC;

border-bottom: 3px dotted #99CCFF;



.contentModuleHeaderAlt {

font: 13px DokChampa;

letter-spacing: 3px;



.contentModuleContent {

background-color: #D0E6FF;



.contentModule {

border: 3px dotted #44B4D5;


.contentModuleTable {

border: 5px dotted #00CCCC;


.contentModuleContent {

border: 3px dotted #0066FF;






<bgsound src=http://purpletoad.net/music/SNES_Mana2_2.mid autostart=true loop=”infinite”>


<center>I am Zedrekia, a Maraquan Draik.


My birthday is June 30th 2010. </center>


<center>I am more of a warrior and can be quite fierce if you get on my bad side. It's rare that anyone provokes me so you don't need to worry. I'm quite nice too, who knows I may bring you luck. So feel free to say hello!</center>


<center> I like to wear some jewelery like tail bands and arm bands. Unfortunately it's hard to find anything that fits my body type so usually I don't wear anything. </center>


<center> I'm hoping to make Kazu here, Maraquan like myself. It's hard for him to swim around as a normal Quetzel.</center>


<center>Here are some random facts about us Maraquan Draiks:</center>


<center><li> We can move around on land just as well as we can on water.</li></center>

<center>We are amphibious so we can be on both land and water. Although we do need to keep our skin wet, We can stay out without water for a good while. </center>


<center><li> We don't have wings but we can still fly</li></center>

<center> Okay that's not totally true. We can't fly like our winged cousins. We can however jump really high out of the water. If we jump a certain way we can "fly" for long distances. Though it's more of a glide.</center>


<center> That's all for now.</center>

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Take the style tags out and replace them with normal ones. They're causing lookups to get cut off and look wrong.






And for the love of all that is human, please remove your bg music. Bg music irritates people into hysterics. :D

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Take the style tags out and replace them with normal ones. They're causing lookups to get cut off and look wrong.






And for the love of all that is human, please remove your bg music. Bg music irritates people into hysterics. :D


Ah okay thanks. That helped alot! It's amazing how the smallest thing can mess up a lookup. I figured The BG music wouldn't be so bad since it's not in my shop but I'll remove it.

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Haha no prob. I can't tell you how many times I've been over and over coding looking for whatever was messing it up, and finding that it was a forgotten colon or misplaced semi-colon. You said it - it really is ridiculous how much a nothin little thing can make such humongous problems!


Anytime you need coding help, feel free to give me a shout. I am only happy when I get to help people. :)

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Just a minor detail, but you could replace the <center></center> tags with <div align="center"></div>.

<center> is not really used any more but this would just be an extra addition. No real big problem.

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