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Now, normally I hate these kind of shows but earlier today my mom called me in and asked me if I remembered my Great Aunt Anita. I said yes and she told me to watch this video. I couldn't believe that she was Tap Dancing, hula Hopping, and baton swirling all at the same time with a very awesome ending...Especially for a older woman! Watch this and remember that she IS tap danincing while she does this all! If you like her act, please vote for her! She owns and teaches in a dance studio and, like I said is a lot older than most of the contestants!!


That's neat :D I wonder if any of my long lost relatives have auditioned :] I hope she does well!


Wowzers!!! :woot: I have a great aunt anita, but that ain't her! How do I vote!!!??? :D


I looked to see about online voting, but I couldn't find any voting that started before August.


Normally with ______ got talent (well at least the British version) During the auditions, the viewers take no part, its all up to the 3 main judges.


The next step, after all the auditions is the judges narrow the competition down to 50 people. At that point, the viewers vote who goes through. Normally, if there are 5-6 acts on a show. At the end, the viewers can vote. Then the act with the most votes go through and the acts who has the 2nd and 3rd amount of viewer votes, the judges pick.



here and try to find her in there, then you can vote on her. I could not find a link for voting on that particular video, so you will have to look for her...

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