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*Walks into room and waves*

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Hi there everyone! After a long hiatus spanning a few years (save for a brief return to play NQII), I have returned to play some more neopets! So many things have changed since I last played; I'm utterly clueless about the new Altador cup, Key Quest, Daily Dare, and a whole bunch of other stuff! My old contributions to the neopets community are pretty much outdated, which included some of the old style userlookups and the very first Fountain Faerie FAQ. Though I certain was pleased to see this very site using my Maraquan Chomby as a link for the avatar :)


So yeah, hopefully a community like this can help me get back into the swing of things : )

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Hello there :D I'm Wartex121, or Adis, if you can remember my name XD. Key quest is simply a board game, where you try to collect all the keys and get to the door. It has Mini games which can give you power ups or keys. Its sort of like Mario Party if you think about it. I haven't really done Altador cup this year, but I did last year. All I know is you play the games they have, and try scoring as best as you can. As you can tell, I'm not the best at explaining things XD. Just post around, and you'll learn more about the new neopets XD. If that's what you want to call it. Everyones super friendly anyways :3 Well, the people I've talked to anyways.


Hope to see you around :D


Edit: I just looked at your neopets account, and I love your pets :D.

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Hey there! I am Divya. Wassup?? ^_^


I didnt really understand Neo either when I rejoined after not going on for a couple of years. Ask a lot of questions because the people here know EVERYTHING there is to know about Neo! That is what I have learned. :yes: Have fun!

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*waves back enthusiastically* Hi there, Takari! (or what would you like me to call you?) I'm Livvy. Welcome to TDNF. =]


I'm sure you've already read the rules, but just in case you haven't, here they are. As long as you follow those, I'm sure you'll enjoy our crazy little community. ;)

You say you've got questions, and as Divya said, we've probably got answers. So feel free to ask if you need to know something. That's why we're here to begin with.


I hope you enjoy your time here and your return to Neopets. :) My name's Liv- oh, I already said that. Good Livvy, for remembering. *pats self on head* So yeah, enjoy!


WAIT WAIT WAIT! I did forget something! Snack table's to your left. :)

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Welcome to TDN! (: I'm Bloom!


Neopets has definitely changed throughout the years. I actually never really thought about it until I read what you wrote. From the layout changes to the many different features such as Key Quest, Petpetpark, Altador Cup and so much more. Although, thinking about it, you must have been on hiatus for quite awhile, eh? (:


I've been on Neopets for a good 8 years, and sadly... Not even one Hiatus. Hahaha. So if you need help with anything, I know this site can be a good tool to get a grasp of things but also me (and others) would be happy to help you around.


What are you into within Neopets that you think or know is outdated? ^^

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Thanks everyone! Calling me Takari is fine, it's the easiest to remember :P


There's quite a few things I noticed right off the bat that could use a sprucing up. For one, the Poogle Races STILL have the old style poogle images! It's been years since they updated their look! Some of the area maps could use an update too, at least to make them all consistent with one another (at least on the HTML, I haven't seen if the flash images are different). For example, I can't even spot a single change in the maps of Krawk Island, Tyrannia, or Meridell from what was there when I left.


Some of the changes I'm not happy with. I did a Vader "NOOO!" When I saw they put Magax: Destroyer in the game graveyard. Except for one glitch, it was fine as it was and I hate the new one and am terrible at it (thankfully I already have the avatar). I even did a run back to back on both to make sure it wasn't just me being out of practice.


Have they made any big changes to the trading post/shop wiz/restock times? I'm not even going to attempt to market until I can catch up a little bit!


I'm going to start working on training my battle pet, and adding to my Blue Aisha Gallery. I also collect the regular Blue Aisha Plushies, so if anyone has any lying around they want to get rid of, feel free to fling them my way (they're appreciated!) :) I remember once a few of my old friends went on a spree and bought a ton off the shop wiz and sent me like 300 in one day. We would all have a blast sending each other stuff for our galleries or junk collections. Man, those were the days.

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Hi there Takari! Call me Doc.


Most of the things you have mentioned have not changed. True, Krawk Island, Tyrannia, nor Meridell have had any really big changes (or if any). The shop wiz has been updated to where you can search in a person's gallery or shop! The trading post... I'm not so sure, I never really use that.... <_< And as far as I know the restock times are the same as they've always been!


If I find any Blue Aisha stuff I will definitely send it to you!


Even though my neopets account is only just over 2 months old, I have been playing way back since '03. Back when they had hardly any games, and there where only four buttons to classify them. Even back when they had all the main buttons on the left hand side of the screen!


Anyways, neomail anyone if you have anymore questions.


Welcome back!

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