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Being able to paste our avatar lists into petpages, etc

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I had no clue on what to make the topic title, because I was somewhat lost myself XD. So forgive me. I've also went through 5 pages to see if anyone else posted something like this, and I don't think they have.


I guess the idea is basically a rip off of what the avatarlog used to do. But now that it's on a hiatus, there needs to be another site that does this. Plus, we don't even know if avatarlog is ever going to come back, which is a shame :/. Anyways. This is going to be really confusing, because I really have no clue how it's done. So...Our avatar picture things are transformed into html, and we can insert it into petpages, and stuff like that. Because I would really like to have a petpage with all the avatars I have, so people can go through and see which ones I have. And maybe lend me some :yes:


Just an idea. I don't know if avatarlog has this idea copyrighted XD. But I think it's been a year since they went on hiatus. :/ Thanks for taking your time and reading this! :D


Edit: This might be the new avatarlog, http://avatar.happeningz.net It has the same thing as avatarlog. The little export thing where you can add it to a petpage.


Yeah i know what you mean. I have extragrowth's petpage with all the avatars I have and everything else but I haven't been able to update it in forever since avatar log is down. I couldn't imagine it would be that difficult to add to the already amazing avatar list here.


I would also like to see "aged" countdowns like avlog used to do - like you go on there and tell it how old your pet or petpet is, and then it tells you what day it will be fully aged and alert you on that day.


Sigh. I miss avlog.


I would also like to see "aged" countdowns like avlog used to do - like you go on there and tell it how old your pet or petpet is, and then it tells you what day it will be fully aged and alert you on that day.


Sigh. I miss avlog.


Ahh! That would be a great idea. I forgot all about that. Dang, it's been so long since I've used it :C.


I miss it too :C.


I totally agree. I used love avlog...it was such a good tool for av collectors.

  • 2 weeks later...

I liked the way you could see which avatars most people had, like which were the "rarest", so I knew which ones were easier to get without having to figure it out :( Surely that'd be quite easy to do :( Also, you could see which avatars a certain user had


I didn't even know avlog was down XD


For anyone else who wants to make suggestions for the site, don't be afraid to! Believe it or not, we look at all of your suggestions. b)


I didn't even know avlog was down XD


For anyone else who wants to make suggestions for the site, don't be afraid to! Believe it or not, we look at all of your suggestions. b)


I knew you guys did :D. That's why I wanted to just drop an idea by you guys.


I was looking for a website like that, thanks :)


By the way, is it possible to be CG'd from a petpage?


Actually, it shouldn't be too difficult to achieve this with the existing code we use for the counters in our NeoAvatars department.


*reminds self to raise this with Ian*


I was looking for a website like that, thanks :)


By the way, is it possible to be CG'd from a petpage?


Yep, people can put CGers on User Looks ups, Neomails, Petpages, and shops.



Actually, it shouldn't be too difficult to achieve this with the existing code we use for the counters in our NeoAvatars department.


*reminds self to raise this with Ian*


Ooh :D. I would appreciate this! Thank you very much.


Thanks for the suggestion!


If I remember correctly this is on a list somewhere. We will bring it up in our next staff meeting and make sure it gets bumped up a little since we've had so much positive feedback.

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