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Of birth dates and ISPs


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So... my Internet Service Provider (TM Net) recently started offering a special subscription for university students, with discount prices and some neat perks (like a free wireless modem and netbook). Being a miser and all (and also in significant need of a laptop with an actual functioning battery), I decided to go ahead and apply for it.


Well, things went swimmingly until they actually tried to process the application. Apparently, whatever electronic system they use for entering registration details is simply not capable of handling birth dates later than 1992! o_O And apparently they can't do anything about it. Being born in 1994, it looks like I'll have to wait two years until I can apply for this again, assuming it's still offered. Ack.


I'm wondering if their programmers are really that incompetent, or their internal communications are just that bad (either one would certainly explain a lot about the quality of their services). I'd apply for a job so I could go in and fix the problem, but I assume their job applications system has the same limitation. :P

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That's unfortunate. :\ Maybe they assume university students have to be of a certain age, or they messed something up. I hope you can call and figure something out.

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I'm assuming they did that, because you're required to be 18 or older?

Nope. I already asked about that, and it's just a technical limitation which they can't do anything about. There's no age policy that bars under-18s from the package.

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Well, apparently they'll inform me if there's another way to apply in a couple of weeks. :yes:

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Can't they just lie about your age, since the system won't allow them to tell the truth?

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*shrug* I guess that's against policy, and nobody's really going to go out of their way to be that helpful. Not in a Malaysian government-run company at least.

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