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Maybe not addicted, but close enough for this list...


1) my baby (toddler really) & my husband

2) neopets - would I be here if I wasn't?

3) hammocks!

4) books (I loved the cartoon that said, "Going into a bookstore and buying only one book is like going to McDonalds and buying only one French Fry." Aptly put I thought. :))

5) house rabbits

6) writing novels - or trying to anyway

7) hmmm..."staying alive" was a good one. Work pretty hard for that one. :)



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addictions lets see.. neopets obviusly, my pet rats, sims2, my computer in general, internet, photography, anime.. i also have obsessions, slightly diffrent, plastic spoons, black boots, gargoyles, and pinup ^_^

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Wow. You sure do love school supplies don't you?

yah im odd... im o.c.d about them to they have to be rainbow order

and when other ppl use them and i hear them pressing down and coloring i freak out..

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Hmm I'm addicted to:

chocolate (trying to cut back though),


the internet (so many wasted hours),

computer games (I played Zelda from 12 til 10 everyday over xmas til I finished it)

fruits basket

and I know there's more but I can't think of any right now

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