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Slushie Slinger Minimum Score?


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On http://www.thedailyneopets.com/altador-cup/rank-calculator/

TDN says: "... Please note that low scores in Slushie Slinger and Make Some Noise do not contribute to your ranking (only a score of 285+ and 3000+ count, respectively)."


But I thought that a minimum score of 200 in Slushie Slinger counted. Does anyone know for sure?


If it is 200, and not 285, then.. TDN, please correct! Thanks! :D

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Ah.. I see.

So, it's minimum 200 for achievement levels, and 285 to count towards the team's overall score.


Kinda confusing! o_O Why wouldn't they just make it one number?.. like 250 for achievement AND team score!


thanks for clearing this up for me!

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