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Level one avatar


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In the TDN avatar checklist, I clicked on this avatar:



and it said the solution was to go to this page when you've achieved altador cup level one. I got to level one and viewed it, but nothing happened. Then I figured I'd wait a day just in case, and I checked again and didn't get it. Does it mean to view the page when the whole cup is over, or...? I checked for the word 'retired' on the avvie popup, but didn't find one.

What am I doing wrong? :3


Thanks! ^^

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I actually didn't get mine right away. Word on the street was that they were having some glitches. I actually got mine when I clicked on a game. But also check in your avatars and see if you got it and the pop up thingy just didn't work because that's what happened to me with the other altador cup one today. I got it but it sneaky sneaky like didn't tell me.

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