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New Person, Coming Through!

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Hi, and welcome. Sure, you can say more. Like for instance, how long have you been playing Neopets? What is your favorite soap? Have you ever been to Lincoln, Nebraska? You know, all of the general "getting to know you" questions. b)

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1. Welcome to TDN. I'm CAV.

2. Wipe your feet before you enter.

3. Don't always be so serious, exept in "Debate and Discussion", which has a few special rules.

4. Which reminds me, follow all TDN rules. We don't want you in trouble now do we?

5. Don't be afraid to ask people questions.

6. Try to join HAMS, the dominant group on TDN. I'm one of the Leaders and Founders, so I should be able to help you.


Yes you need to say more. Share about yourself! Don't be shy, we don't bite (all the time).

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So, Lizzy is me, yeh :3 The boards on Neopets were paranoid and thought everything you said was a plot against TNT, so I thought I'd join this place to see if it were any better. XP I get kinda bored on the internets.


Edit: On the actual Neopets site, not... here.

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