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I need help with Neopet layouts

CAV of Gang Green

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I need help making a layout for my Neopets page, as well as layouts for my pets. I ask this because my page looks so boring, and my pets' pages are the defalt settings. I suck at making things, or at least I suck at drawing things. If someone can help me out, it would be awesome! Just give me a link if there's a site that can help me or if I need a tool to download.

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I have a link somewhere on my userlookup to a page where you can customize premade lookups.


Requirements for doing your page this way (my boring page isn't using te coding anymore even though I have the link):

• Simple Css and HTML knowledge

• Knowledge of hex codes


It's really easy but there's nothing too fancy or flashy about it, there aren't too many good premades that still work with coding restrictions.

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Depends on what you want to know!! :D

If you want some nifty maraqua cup graphics for start, go to my draik, Blisyte's page to pick some up ^^"

You can ask me questions if you like, i've been web/graphics designing for 9 years and I don't mind helping oneee bit :)

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Thanks guys. I'll look at them soon. I also have SunnyNeo to help.


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