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Last night, I wanted to play Make Some Noise!! I was really good at this game last year, routinely scoring 6,000 or more. But when I tried playing, the game got really slow and boggy, using up most of my processing power. I would be hammering on the keys, but the needle wouldn't rise for a few seconds, then it would fall back down again. This would keep happening until time ran out. I wasn't able to score more than 20 points! :grrr: Am I doing something wrong or is there something wrong with the game? I want my achievement for playing all the games.


I bet the window just has to be refreshed. It sounds me to me sort of like when SoSD slows down. If it doesn't work we can come up with something else.


I tried refreshing, and that didn't help. I also tried playing it again today, and I still had the same problem.


Well, at least it isn't just me. What browser are you using, CAV? Also, what version of Flash?


There's a petpage for team Maraqua that has the high-quality version for MSN... for slower computers.

For us http://www.neopets.com/~easnadh is the page I'm talking about.


Masaryk, what team are you on? I might be able to find a petpage like that for that team if you want. ;)


I'm playing for Haunted Woods again this year. Thanks for your help, Lion.


EDIT: I added the low-quality modifier onto the end of the url for MSN. It works a lot better now. I was able to score 6670 points this time. Here's the link for anyone else that is have problems:



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