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neopets firefox glitch?


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Got one that worked from the Neoboards.




Not gonna disable my adblock, ever ;)

Hooray, this worked! But is there anything similar/comparable that will work with Chrome? I tried whitelisting neopets.com with both the adblockers I'm using in Chrome, but alas the problem is still there.


I've gotten so attached to using Chrome on my lil' netbook... I love it :wub_anim: and FF is pretty okay but I'm definitely NOT ready to go back to it. If there isn't anything that works with Chrome, I suppose I may have to use FF exclusively for browsing Neopets. I guess that wouldn't be TOO bad. :rolleyes_anim:

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Cornflakes ~ Thanks so much for the tip on the stylish add on ! I wasn't having the problem with the bar being covered but I know that lots of others were so I'm sure that will help many :D


I will recommending it to any of my friends that I find having that problem :)

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Cornflakes ~ Thanks so much for the tip on the stylish add on ! I wasn't having the problem with the bar being covered but I know that lots of others were so I'm sure that will help many :D


I will recommending it to any of my friends that I find having that problem :)


No problem b) Glad to help!




1 for 3, yessss

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Not to rain on a perfectly functional parade, but the Stylish add-on isn't really that well suited for blocking ads - everything the user style posted earlier does is actually elegantly handled by Adblock Plus internally (complete with automatic, integrity-checked updates). That doesn't mean it's not a good solution - it's just a bit like using a rake backwards. :P


Now, I'll explain what happened: TNT recently made a few changes to their page layout, shifting their ads around between <div> tags (and actually making things neater in the process). An unfortunate side effect of this was that a <div> tag that formerly contained ads (and was therefore blocked by Adblock's EasyList filters) became an important part of the page layout. This caused all the issues that people were seeing.


I filed a report with the EasyList maintainers as soon as I figured out what was going on, and they fixed the issue only a few hours later. Updating your Adblock Plus subscriptions (if you're using Firefox) should resolve the filter issue. Later, TNT independently made a change to their CSS code that should have fixed the problem for everyone.


Kudos to the EasyList maintainers for their quick response time (and apologies for my slow one)!


I'm working on establishing contact routes for other browsers' ad blocking projects to make sure this is fixed quickly if it happens again, but hopefully it won't. :yes:

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(Everything) is actually elegantly handled by Adblock Plus internally (complete with automatic, integrity-checked updates). ...


Now, I'll explain what happened: TNT recently made a few changes to their page layout, shifting their ads around between <div> tags (and actually making things neater in the process). An unfortunate side effect of this was that a <div> tag that formerly contained ads (and was therefore blocked by Adblock's EasyList filters) became an important part of the page layout. This caused all the issues that people were seeing.


I filed a report with the EasyList maintainers as soon as I figured out what was going on, and they fixed the issue only a few hours later. Updating your Adblock Plus subscriptions (if you're using Firefox) should resolve the filter issue. Later, TNT independently made a change to their CSS code that should have fixed the problem for everyone.


Kudos to the EasyList maintainers for their quick response time (and apologies for my slow one)!


I'm working on establishing contact routes for other browsers' ad blocking projects to make sure this is fixed quickly if it happens again, but hopefully it won't. :yes:


Thank you for posting this clear solution. It will help those people discussing an advertising problem here: http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/20216-ad-across-neopet-toolbar/

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I used Anime's suggestion to fix this problem, and it worked fine for my purposes. I just got Premium on my main account, so I didn't have any ad problems with it anyway, but I was still having this problem with my side account. Since it's just a side account, I don't really care that the Adblock Plus change left an ugly grey bar at the top of the page.


To add to what Random Invisible Guy said about Stylish: I have been using Opera for a year now with my main account. The only way to block ads in Opera is to change the page CSS. THIS DOES NOT BLOCK ADS; it only makes it so that you don't see the ads. The ads are still running in the background, slowing down the site (Air Canada, I still hate you! Neopets Premium account, I <3 you!). I don't recommend using Stylish as a permanent fix, but it probably will work well enough until better Adblock Plus filters can be implemented.

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Since it's just a side account, I don't really care that the Adblock Plus change left an ugly grey bar at the top of the page.

That ugly grey bar you're referring to actually has quite an interesting backstory. ;) You see, while it may be an ugly grey bar on the default and basic Neopets site themes, on many other site themes it's actually a neat top banner image that's part of the rest of the layout.



Default theme



Atlas of the Ancients



Altadorian Constellations



Return of Sloth


As far as I can tell, selectively blocking the relevant <div> based on the theme selected would require some custom-coded CSS filename sniffing integrated with the current rules, which is rather a bit out of scope for ad blocking. The long-standing approach has been to block it anyway, and after I fielded the issue with the EasyList maintainers, that seems to be the approach we'll be sticking with.


If you're still seeing the grey bar, then you probably need to update your Adblock Plus subscriptions. Alternatively, if you use one of the non-basic site themes and you want to see these top banners, then you need to open the Adblock Plus preferences (Ctrl + Shift + E), hit Ctrl + F, and paste the following filter into the search box.




Once you've found the filter, just uncheck the box next to it to disable it. Then hit OK, refresh Neopets, and the banner should be present in all its glory. :yes:


To add to what Random Invisible Guy said about Stylish: I have been using Opera for a year now with my main account. The only way to block ads in Opera is to change the page CSS.

Objection! Block Neopets Advertisements in Opera


Now, I put a lot of work into that tutorial, and I don't appreciate it being ignored! :angry: RAAGH!!!


(Just kidding :P )

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That ugly grey bar you're referring to actually has quite an interesting backstory. ;) You see, while it may be an ugly grey bar on the default and basic Neopets site themes, on many other site themes it's actually a neat top banner image that's part of the rest of the layout.



As far as I can tell, selectively blocking the relevant <div> based on the theme selected would require some custom-coded CSS filename sniffing integrated with the current rules, which is rather a bit out of scope for ad blocking. The long-standing approach has been to block it anyway, and after I fielded the issue with the EasyList maintainers, that seems to be the approach we'll be sticking with.


If you're still seeing the grey bar, then you probably need to update your Adblock Plus subscriptions. Alternatively, if you use one of the non-basic site themes and you want to see these top banners, then you need to open the Adblock Plus preferences (Ctrl + Shift + E), hit Ctrl + F, and paste the following filter into the search box.




Once you've found the filter, just uncheck the box next to it to disable it. Then hit OK, refresh Neopets, and the banner should be present in all its glory. :yes:


I remember the full banners! It's been a long time since I last saw one of them in all its glory, but I did know that there is something that could be displayed in lieu of the grey bar. I only have the standard purple theme on that account, so I'm not missing much right now. Thanks for the instructions on how to fix it.


EDIT: I'm missing this entry in my Adblock filters:



I guess I really need to update my subscriptions.


Objection! Block Neopets Advertisements in Opera


Now, I put a lot of work into that tutorial, and I don't appreciate it being ignored! :angry: RAAGH!!!


(Just kidding :P )


Hey, that's not the 'Block Neopets Ads in Opera' tutorial that was there a year ago. The old tutorial said, "Save this .css file on your hard drive, and tell Opera to use this custom style for Neopets." That didn't block ads at all. It just made them invisible. I guess I shouldn't have been so negligent about checking the site for updates. :* Your new tutorial looks great! Too bad I already paid for a Premium account for the year. :D

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EDIT: I'm missing this entry in my Adblock filters:



I guess I really need to update my subscriptions.

Ctrl + Shift + E, then Ctrl + Shift + T. ;) Usually Adblock Plus handles this automatically, but only at 1-5 day intervals.


Hey, that's not the 'Block Neopets Ads in Opera' tutorial that was there a year ago. The old tutorial said, "Save this .css file on your hard drive, and tell Opera to use this custom style for Neopets." That didn't block ads at all. It just made them invisible. I guess I shouldn't have been so negligent about checking the site for updates. :* Your new tutorial looks great! Too bad I already paid for a Premium account for the year. :D

Thanks! :graduated:

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Oh this annoyed me so much...I actually had to enter stuff in the address bar...thank goodness it's fixed now...or at least for Chrome. I thought it was the adblocker, but apparently not...WEIRDDD.



Edit: Just kidding. I fail.

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