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The Stock Market is pretty random. There aren't any forces driving the values of Neopian stocks; it's not like the real world. So, since it's random, this is my strategy:


Every day, I buy 1000 shares of whatever stock is selling for 15 np per share. You can only buy a maximum of 1000 shares each day and 15 np is the minimum value that stocks sell at. If two or more stocks are selling at 15 np, I try to keep my values even, since I never know which ones will go up. When it comes to selling, I like to wait for the stock to reach a value of 60 np per share, then I sell. So that would mean i spent 15,000 np on 1000 shares and sold for 60,000, making 45,000 np! Most stocks will start to drop again after 60, but if I have lots of shares I'll save some to see if it will go higher.


Good luck playing the stock market! I wish I hadn't waited so long to start investing.

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I do the exact same thing as Masaryk. Don't expect to start making money in a short time. It's a very long term investment, so don't pay any more attention than buying and checking. If you ever take a really long break, you'll come back and make a lot of money if you've invested enough. If you look every day you'll be disappointed.

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I understand the patience. But just buying at random means you're sinking points for possibly months. I bought about 5000 worth of POWR while it was dropping about half a year ago. That was 75,000 points I couldn't use for a while. But now it's up again. TAG is on the way up and it's known to have been pushing 120. I'm not saying it will happen again, but in a month or two it will be hitting the 40s at a minimum. There's a pattern if you're patient and smart enough to follow it. It's a whole lot better than leaving it to chance and outing yourself 15,000 points a time. Especially into stock that never passes 20.

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Theres not really any pattern though. It does seem true that some stocks are more likely to go higher, but I invested in... 6 months ago? When the STOCKS! avatar came out and its never gone back up... The stock market is chance - I'm sure if TNT where honest like they were for increasing shop sizes they'd say its actually just a neopoint sink to try to decrease inflation...

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The stock market isn't a gold sink tho. The neopoints you spend on shop/gallery upgrades is gone forever, but the neopoints you invest in the stock market is still there. (As long as you sell more than what you bought.)


In the stock market I usually choose what's selling for 15-17NP and has a history of going up by a lot in the shortest time. Or if one of the stocks I invested in is still around the 15-17NP area, I buy 1000 shares of that again.

It's a good feeling waking up one day and making 200k just for waiting. :-)

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