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40 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like the Neoboards?

  2. 2. What do you hate about the Neoboards

    • BUMPS!!!!!
    • Double, Triple, and Quad posting
    • Da ChaTsPek (chat speak)
    • Unorganized, confusing and/or unhelpful
    • People that report you for no reason
    • Flamming
    • All of the Above
    • Nothing I love it!
    • Other (explain in post)
  3. 3. Would you reccommend the boards to a newbie?

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One major exception: Faerie Quest help is wonderful on the Neoboards. :yes:

Definitely. There must be scores of people that just hang around and are bored with nothing else to do but look up items for other people. They're just so fast!


The Neoboards... are alright. I got lent a snow pet this month, and I'm already part of a lending chain for next month, all through one helpful girl who replied to my post. This is really helpful, since I can't quite make the cut with TDN's pet lending procedures just yet (no offense! I swear 0:)). I haven't tried with asking to be lent any expensive items just yet, since pretty much every second post in the Avatars forum is mocking someone else for asking to be lent MSPP. But I do plan on trying it out eventually; a Neofriend of mine got lent a whole bunch of items for free, one of which was for the Pink! avatar.


On the other hand, the Tarla boards were horribly annoying, with people making "TARLA :ohno:! Just kidding. Check my shop!" posts every 10 minutes. I have to say I got really cranky at one point and started to report people as spammers. <_< Luckily I soon found Jellyneo's twitter feed was much nicer to follow.


Overall, my experiences with the Neoboards have been positive. I don't think I've had a single person be rude to me directly, even when I broke down and asked a really no0bish question a while back. The thing with that place is that if you ever have to make such a post, you can rest assured that it will disappear to the 3rd or 4th page in a matter of minutes, never to be dredged to the surface again.


And as Maxwerx said, if I ever need any USEFUL information, I come here, or scour through TDN's lovely helpful articles. ^_^


I'd say it's akin to using different tools for different jorbs.


EDIT: Oh no! Didn't realize this thread was over 21 days old. Please don't lock it? :crying: It's a good one! :yes:


One thing that really bothers me is people who start trolls... I'm not saying someone new who posts 'sell me a draik egg' if they genuinely didn't know how much one costed, but I saw this one board the other day which was ridiculous! Some users accused another of being a 'cheater' and then whoever tried to talk sense into the original users got accused of being a 'cheater' as well! It was some kind of us against them thing, when it wasn't at all! In reality it was completely off topic and the original users seemed ignorant when they actively harassed people who were trying to speak logically about the situation...


then again, the entire bored was a bit of a troll :rolleyes_anim:


I like the boards...well somewhat. But a couple of years ago, I think it was 4? Something around there. Well, my dog had died from Parvo, and I got on neopets and posted a board. I was hoping that someone would come in there, and talk to me about it or something. You know, to make me feel better. Instead of getting someone nice, and caring...I got these rude people who told me to go talk to my parents, and all this other crap. Which made it 20xs worse. They told me that they reported me, and that my account was going to get frozen, and all this other crap. I was just like Wth? Seriously. But now days, I just post in the boards when I get bored. Mostly Avies, or the shops when I advertise it. Even though that drives me insane because people post their shop ads, on my shop ads. Gahhh.


I like the boards...well somewhat. But a couple of years ago, I think it was 4? Something around there. Well, my dog had died from Parvo, and I got on neopets and posted a board. I was hoping that someone would come in there, and talk to me about it or something. You know, to make me feel better. Instead of getting someone nice, and caring...I got these rude people who told me to go talk to my parents, and all this other crap. Which made it 20xs worse. They told me that they reported me, and that my account was going to get frozen, and all this other crap. I was just like Wth? Seriously. But now days, I just post in the boards when I get bored. Mostly Avies, or the shops when I advertise it. Even though that drives me insane because people post their shop ads, on my shop ads. Gahhh.

Aww that's so sad! Stupid meanies :sad02: the internet can be a harsh place. I'm sorry that happened to you! But I'm actually pretty impressed that you managed to get on the internet and make a post when you were 4! I think I first got on the internet when I was like... 6 or 7? I went into a chat room and then didn't know what to say, LOL. I remember being scared too because I only knew of chat rooms as these bad places where bad people went to do bad things! Hahaha... anyways, back on topic.


Yesterday I was bored (read: avoiding work) and so I was lurking the Neoboards pretty hard. Two things happened:


  1. I posted in a "rating fonts" thread to show mine off, even though it was premade (which I admitted to outright!) and the rater was like "Hannah: leave." And I was like sheesh, you didn't say they had to be home-made! I'm just excited is all, it was my first time using a font and all, etc etc. He was still being a meanie, so I left. :P
  2. I posted in the BD section looking for a Darigan Tonu to fight for the Charge! avatar, and about 10 posts in, it's me and this girl chatting nicely, and this guy comes in and says one word: "Noob." And I instantly got offended right, because for one, that's a rude thing to say in general, and two, because his account was 7 months old just like mine! I was pretty cheesed off to say the least. I found someone to challenge a bit later in the avatars thread, so that was a win. And then this morning I login to Neopets to find a message from this dude, being somewhat polite and not rude, telling me that if I had just searched the username "Noob" I would have found a Dari Tonu to challenge. ...WTH! How was I supposed to know that "Noob" was someone's username?! Who would even CHOOSE such a username?! In the end I thought it was pretty funny.

So those are my recent stories. :D The first time someone was directly rude to me, and the first time someone called me a no0b (to my knowledge, anyway).

Guest Yoshinho

The neoboards are ok it's just that the people can be annoying and selfish. Other than that places like Altador Cup Chat is basically going great.


As others have said, getting help for Faerie Quests is fast and helpful.

What I hate is trying to trade pets. I often get colors from the lab ray and decide to trade them for a color that I originally wanted and it's SUCH an ordeal. People back out of trades so often that it makes my head spin.

Sometimes I go to the help boards just to quickly answer someone with a question, but it's pretty rare.

For a newbie, I would recommend staying far away and using an off-site for help. The newbie boards are terrifying.


The Neoboards are great fun, except for the onslaught of chat group topics which are never erased like they should be (which is probably only noticeable in the FC).



I posted in the BD section looking for a Darigan Tonu to fight for the Charge! avatar, and about 10 posts in, it's me and this girl chatting nicely, and this guy comes in and says one word: "Noob." And I instantly got offended right, because for one, that's a rude thing to say in general, and two, because his account was 7 months old just like mine! I was pretty cheesed off to say the least. I found someone to challenge a bit later in the avatars thread, so that was a win. And then this morning I login to Neopets to find a message from this dude, being somewhat polite and not rude, telling me that if I had just searched the username "Noob" I would have found a Dari Tonu to challenge. ...WTH! How was I supposed to know that "Noob" was someone's username?! Who would even CHOOSE such a username?! In the end I thought it was pretty funny.



OMG I posted about the darigan tonu too and someone posted that and I was so offended. I told them that was the point of the boards and he should leave me alone. Now I will go apologize. Yeesh, why would you pick that name? I feel silly


I don't hate The Neoboards, just the people who post there. Honestly, to anyone who supports that place just look at what's being posted! Off topic threads, random replies, unreadable English

and a heap of other annoying junk. Perhaps I'm being too harsh but I just don't think much of a place that's 75% rubbish and 20% useless talk. When I first visited The Neoboards my first impression was

"A swarming mass of 10-year-old's and a bunch of unreadable English with too many smiles". But that's just my opinion. No offense to those that like the place, but I would not recommend it for newbies.

Posted (edited)

My only experience has been with the AC boards, which is an interesting experience to say the least. I found some teammates unable to understand that if I can get in 5 games of youyuball a day, that's good for me. It's like they look down at you if you're not at rank 15 or higher. I got tired of explaining that this is the best I've done and I have other things to do like school! Other than that I think I got along well with most of the people on the shenkuu boards


The worse was whenever a frustrated player from another team, or a gloating winner, would come in and talk smack.


I saw early on that people seemed to agree that Shenkuu players had the worst attitude. That wasn't the way I found it.



I don't think I'll go back to the boards when the cup is done.

Edited by walshcaitlin

I go lurking a bit in the Altador Cup boards... But I'm right at home in the Beauty Contest boards, though indeed there's the occasional fight. But it's pretty safe there. :B Lots of artists to share my work with, yay! And pretty arts.


Just that it's only really alive during the weekends. Middle of the week= dead boards.


I don't think I'd recommend the boards to a new player :/ Some people on there are just plain mean. Somebody that has a genuine question will get the crap trolled out of them. The boards can be a downer if you're not careful.


Also, walshcaitlin, I was on Shenkuu this year. A lot of the 'players' joined because of the 2nd place myth going around and assumed that the cup was rigged, so we would automatically win. There was a bunch of dead weight, and they really made us look bad :/ There were plenty of nice people on the Shenkuu boards, of course! But there are always bad apples in a bunch.

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