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Hey designers!


I'm looking for some staff members for my new Neopets graphics website called Bacon & Neggs.


I am looking for talented people who are capable of producing high quality graphics and coding for Neopets users to use on their Neopets pages (shop, lookups, guilds, etc)


I myself am a website designer in real life. You know - a professional. I would like to collaborate with other professionals who are also looking to be creative in their spare time.


If you're interested, and would like to see the website's current progress go to: http://www.bacon-n-neggs.co.nr/ (Please rate.. even if you're not interested in joining staff)




In order to qualify, you must have good knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Neopets Scripting Restrictions.

You must be good with Photoshop CS2 or higher. Using photoshop.com or MS Paint doesn't cut it.

You must be a long time, adult Neopian. (18+ playing for a couple years at least)

You must also pay close attention to detail, take pride in your work, and must have 'an-eye-for-design' - meaning you may have the know how, and the creativity... but does your work look good?




Please include a description on your experience and some examples, when applying.



If you are unable to reach me here for some reason, simply email me at [email protected]


All the links are broken now... I just made the layout today.

I'm looking for some staff members to help with the hefty task of filling it with content.


Also thanks for... you know... liking it. XD

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