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I wanted to offer premium referrals to anyone who doesn't have the service and would like it. I'd also like to just answer questions and give opinion from all kinds of people-those who used to have, do have, do not have, and do not want the premium service.

For a lot more information about the service, look here: http://www.neopets.com/~leto


So what do other people think? Those who do have the service, why do you like it? Those who don't, why not? (other than not having access to a credit card or being afraid to put your information on the internet.). If you had it and did not think it was right for you, talk about your experience.


My opinions on the service follow:


I like premium because it allows me to support the Neopets website. I know that you can also do that through the NC mall and such, but this way i'm giving something back and have less chance to go on a crazy spending spree that I will regret later. As far as price goes, it's around an hours pay a month at minimum wage, which is quite reasonable and can be canceled at any time.


The lack of advertising is very noticeable if you play for hours daily.


Over time, you do accumulate some extra NP from the weekly Space Faerie Scratchcards, using the Super Shop Wizard, and the Something Has Happened e-mail random events. Yes, the amounts are small, but you have to look at them over time, and the growth is mathematically significant.


There are some other small benefits I like, such as having my Multiplayer Game Lobby notices on the Portal page, so I don't have to remember to go to the page to check for an opponent's status.




Again, I'd be perfectly happy to send out referrals to anyone who wants to try the free trial of the premium service. It does require you to enter billing information, but you will not be charged until after the 14 day free trial. Neomail me (my Neopets username is dasbif) if you want one, or if you are unsure or have any questions for me about my experiences with the service. Thanks!

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I used to have premium and I really did like it, especially the Something has happened! emails. I was quite a bit richer during that time. My only problem was that it was such a pain to cancel, but that's true with anything nowadays. The people are trained to try to get you to reconsider. Also, I went on hiatus for a while and forgot to cancel, but that's just me being scatterbrained.

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I used to have premium and I really did like it, especially the Something has happened! emails. I was quite a bit richer during that time. My only problem was that it was such a pain to cancel, but that's true with anything nowadays. The people are trained to try to get you to reconsider. Also, I went on hiatus for a while and forgot to cancel, but that's just me being scatterbrained.


Can you cancel premium online? Or did you actually have to call in to cancel it?

I haaaaaaaaaate calling for that kind of stuff, I think that alone would turn me off premium... haha.

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Can you cancel premium online? Or did you actually have to call in to cancel it?

I haaaaaaaaaate calling for that kind of stuff, I think that alone would turn me off premium... haha.


Yes, you have to call to cancel it. It sucks there's no other way to do it, but it's really not that bad. Oh, unless you live outside the US, then you have to cancel online. So, looks like since you're in Canada, you're in the clear. :)


I wasn't sure if you still had to as it's been a while since I cancelled mine, so I checked the FAQs here.

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I live in England, so I'd have to email, and I'd just be paranoid that it hadn't canceled. Also, I'm thinking of getting a phone contract, and I have a store card for the place I work so I have to remember to pay that off. I think adding another thing to pay for every month would cripple my unniveristy student budget lol. But I'm thinking of trialing it for a few months in the summer :) I do agree that it'd be nice to give something back, but thats the only reason I'd really do it... I don't think I'd really benefit from the extras...

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That really varies as a function of how much you play Neopets. The more you play, the more benefits you would see from it, between time saved by not having advertising (pages have to load longer), and np saved with the SSW.

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That really varies as a function of how much you play Neopets. The more you play, the more benefits you would see from it, between time saved by not having advertising (pages have to load longer), and np saved with the SSW.


Ah, but using an adblocker can take care of the ads.

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I would personally love to have Premium, mainly for the Super Shop Wizard. Also, no ads. I would LOVE to have no ads. I don't use any ad-blockers.


I use ad-blocker on Firefox and it blocks everything. I forgot until I used Safari (which I've done a couple of times), and then there were a zillion ads everywhere and it drove me nuts.


The SSW is the only reason I think I would want premium. It does sound pretty awesome.


I don't want to have to deal with canceling payments if I start though. It sounds too difficult.

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I use ad-blocker on Firefox and it blocks everything. I forgot until I used Safari (which I've done a couple of times), and then there were a zillion ads everywhere and it drove me nuts.


The SSW is the only reason I think I would want premium. It does sound pretty awesome.


I don't want to have to deal with canceling payments if I start though. It sounds too difficult.


It's not difficult as long as you are firm with them. Tell them there is no room in your budget for it and that you may come back later, but you just can't afford it right now. If they try to prolong the conversation, just let them know you're in a hurry and that there is no way they can get you to change your mind. I used to hate talking to people I don't know on the phone (even ordering pizza). I still do to some point, but doing little things like this helped me build up my confidence enough that I can do much tougher things, like talking to bill collectors (Ew!). So, I know I made it sound like a hassle, but I've done it twice now, and it's really not as bad as it sounds.

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It's not difficult as long as you are firm with them. Tell them there is no room in your budget for it and that you may come back later, but you just can't afford it right now. If they try to prolong the conversation, just let them know you're in a hurry and that there is no way they can get you to change your mind. I used to hate talking to people I don't know on the phone (even ordering pizza). I still do to some point, but doing little things like this helped me build up my confidence enough that I can do much tougher things, like talking to bill collectors (Ew!). So, I know I made it sound like a hassle, but I've done it twice now, and it's really not as bad as it sounds.


How could you tell? I HATE talking to people like that on the phone... the waiting, the belligerent people, etc.


The other reason is that in the past, I've played neopets for a while and then stopped and done that in cycles... I'm not sure how much I would benefit from paying. I have considered it though.

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Just to give a bit of information, I've been tracking what I've earned from Premium. In 1 month I have earned 16,000 NP-3500 from Space Faerie Scratchcards, and 12500 from Something Has Happened random event e-mails. This does not include the value of items gotten from those same SHH events, nor savings and/or bargains found on the Super Shop Wizard.

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It really is worth it. I'm thinking about signing back up, but unfortunately no one can refer me because I've already had it. It's tempting to pay for the entire year up front as it's almost a $30 savings as compared to the month to month option, but I know my habit of randomly going on hiatus so it probably wouldn't be worth it. Of course, maybe it would motivate me to keep logging in if I knew I was paying for it.

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It's tempting to pay for the entire year up front as it's almost a $30 savings as compared to the month to month option.


I was wondering if that was an option. How much does it cost to pay for an entire year, up front? And how much is it monthly, otherwise?

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I was wondering if that was an option. How much does it cost to pay for an entire year, up front? And how much is it monthly, otherwise?


It's 7.99 a month, which adds up to 95.88 for a year.

The yearly option only costs 69.95, making your savings 25.93 if you go with this option.

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Okay. That's good to know. 69.95 doesn't seem too bad. Of course, I couldn't pull that off right now... but in the future perhaps.


Yeah, it's definitely the better deal of the two. I can afford it right now, but it just seems like such a bigger purchase when you have to pay it all at once. I think if my friends I know in real life were active right now, I'd be more likely to do it, but with work and everything, they've haven't been on much. I'll probably do it anyway though.

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I did the yearly billing also, and made notes in my calendar for the week before to cancel it if i'm not still playing.


That's a good idea. With monthly, I usually forget to cancel. Obviously, if I'm not thinking to play, it's not crossing my mind that I'm going to be charged anyway. And if I do the yearly billing, I only have to think about it once a year. I don't have to reevaluate my playing every month.

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In our experience it is easy to cancel the service, though, to those who had issues earlier in the thread. My girlfriend canceled premium for money reasons, and she literally called the 1-877-NEOPIAN number, said "i want to cancel my subscription", and they said "give me your username and, for security purposes, your full name and the last four numbers of the credit card used." she did, he checked the information, and said "this # is your cancelation number, you will not be billed again, you are paid through the end of the month." and that was it. 5 minutes, in and out, no problem.


For the monthly payment if you stop playing, i suggest setting up a monthly reminder to your e-mail. Most e-mail clients can set up such a thing, if you use Entourage or Outlook or Thunderbird or whatever. Also, GMail and Yahoo! and the like should be able to set something like that up with the calendar function. That way, you don't get charged if you're not using the service.

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I'll have to think about it.


The $70 for a year isn't bad, but it's harder to pay $70 at once than it is $8 a month.


Also, I'm starting grad school in August (for four years), and who knows if I'll be active then. It would be nice to have for the summer though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sometimes it's hard to tell if you are getting great bargains from the Super Shop Wizard, just saving in the range of 20 np or something off of other common prices on items.


Other times though... I just got a codestone for 600 NP! I forget what kind it was (i'm just trying to train my pet), but that's at least 2000 np savings!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sadly, no, fusilla. The way it works is that you pay, and if you do not cancel the service within that month, you will be re-billed in the next month, and again the next. It is based on the date you signed up, not on the 1st of the month or anything like that.


In my experience it is really not a large hassle, merely a 5 minute phone call, outlined in an earlier post I made.

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