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How to Train Your Dragon

CAV of Gang Green

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I was at first dragged to this movie by my brother whom wanted to see it. I didn't expect much considering a lot of animated films are a little on the "it sucks" side. But I was shocked on how good this film is. Expecting a children's film based off a children's book, How to Train Your Dragon surprised me because it's able to entertain all ages.


Most people would think that his was just some film with enough funny jokes to entertain a little kid. But rather, it doesn't have much jokes. The jokes will get laughs from kids and a few chuckles for people older than 13. But it doesn't seem like a comedy. Instead, it seems like an animated action film, because at every scene someone is getting the butt kicked one way or another. And that's what will keep teens and adults interested throughout the entire 1 and 33 minutes.


What's one of the best parts of the film is the visual effects. Critics aren't lying when they say that the 3D "Could make Avatar jealous", because they are telling the truth. Avatar is the only movie that beats How to Train Your Dragon when it comes to 3D, weither you saw it in Real 3D or IMAX (I saw it in IMAX). Like Avatar, not seeing HTTYD in 3D is like having having Neopets without all the games, it takes a big chunk of fun out of the film. The characters leap off the screen and bring the laughs and action straight to you.


Speaking of characters, character development is a little off, but just enough to pass. This seems to be the only problem, and it's not a major one. They still florish of personality, and it effects the movie depending on the part they play. My favorite character would easily be Toothless. He has personality where some characters didn't, and being a fan of dragons (look under my avvie), it isn't hard to put 2+2 together as to why he's my favorite. He also looks awsome...


And like all animated movies, there's a life lesson. I won't tell you it because it will easily spoil the story, unless you've read the book (I didn't).


This is possibly the best animated film I've ever seen. Better than most (if not all) pixar films, better than the other DreamWorks films, and better than the other animated films from other places (Universal, WB, etc.). It looks wonderful in 3D, has both action and comedy to entertain all, is touching, and teaches children an important lesson. And juggles all that gloriously. Hurry and see this film because it's been out for a month, and it might not have much time left in theaters. And when you see it, SEE IT IN 3D!!!


How to Train Your Dragon gets an 8.8/10


NOTE: This is my actual review from my website. It was edited due to some swears that were in the original review. See other reviews on movies and games at my website: www.m4etv.weebly.com

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Ah Dreamworks, you've done it again!


But this movie is pure awesome. I always love the jokes that Dreamworks put in. Most kids don't get them, and recently when I was watching Shrek, I actually enjoyed it more the 100th time. xD

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I think I would like to see it because it sounds really cool but I have issues with 3D movies, they give me migraines so I'll probably have to wait until it comes on tv or dvd or something


Aw that sucks. 3D is the best way to see it.


This is making me wonder how long we will have to wait for the 3D dvd of HTTYD. My guess for the regular is August, but the 3D version, I'm going to guess January 2011.


And DreamWorks does have better jokes. Much better than Pixar.

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Just saw the movie and it was amazing. More than I thought. Even my parents loved it.


When my dad said that we were going to watch How To Train Your Dragon, I was like, "No way!" (Yes, I don't much of like animated movies.)

But now, after watching it, I badly want to see it again.


Some of my classmates didn't like it. They said that it was childish. I see no point in it. The movie was not childish, not at all. It's enjoyable for all the ages.


Anyways, I really enjoyed the movie. The characters were awesome and ... yes, I saw it in 3D! :laughingsmiley:

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I love this cartoon!!!!!!!! :D I loved it so much that I could watch it every day! I love dragons since I was born, and when I first time saw it on TV that it's playing in cinemas, I told my dad to buy tickets for it. I enjoyed it so much! :woot: I love Toothless!!! :wub_anim: :woot: :laughingsmiley:

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I didn't fancy seeing it either. Though it was Dreamworks which equal WIN, the TV trailer didn't do it any good. The best part of the trailer was "Thanks for nothing, you stupid animal." I really wasn't interested in this movie. Seemed particularly childish too, Dragons? Training a Dragon? Seriously? jealous.gif


Anyway, our Aunt wanted to take my sis and I out somewhere before she left and the Cinema was the most convenient. A friend of her's who came to pay a visit said that HTTYD was a really good movie, then we thought, if she thinks so, and it's Dreamworks, we should give it a try. Not regretted.


What an awesome movie, seriously. I liked how it wasn't predictable, the ending was nice, I mean I don't like things like that but this was acceptable, made sense too. As someone mentioned earlier, action was great too. Lots of laughs, great story, not predictable, and awesome animation!thumbsup_anim.gif


To finalise, I think the 3D was better than Avatar :O The story was anyway. Back to the 3D. It certainly had more than Avatar in that I felt more things fly at my face than Avatar. But with Avatar, it was as if you were in the movie itself; HTTYD was just like you were watching it, but it was coming out at you. Then again, it's the first movie I've watched since getting glasses, I didn't see Avatar without my glasses so maybe that's why the 3D lacked for me. But this had more in your face 3D :yes:


So those are my ¢2. Hope you enjoyed reading, as much as I enjoyed the Movie :D

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Some of my classmates didn't like it. They said that it was childish. I see no point in it. The movie was not childish, not at all. It's enjoyable for all the ages.


While there was childish things in there, there was actually more action (which is for all ages) than childish humor.


Then again, it's the first movie I've watched since getting glasses, I didn't see Avatar without my glasses so maybe that's why the 3D lacked for me.


The people I saw Avatar and HTTYD with each laughed when I put the 3D glasses over my real glasses (Avatar in Real 3D, HTTYD in IMAX). Since I saw both clearly, I still believe that Avatar had the better 3D, but just barely. HTTYD took the action straight to you, but Avatar dragged you into Pandora, and once the movie ended, I didn't want to leave. Which could explain why people got depressed because they wanted to be in Pandora.

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Yay, someone likes my review and site. Trust me, there would be more if school wasn't strangling me. My website is connected to my Youtube channel: Matoro4Ever. Check that out too and subscribe! (shameless advertising :P)

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I'm excited to see this movie... maybe I'll get around to it someday soon. Personally, I adore all cartoons and animated movies. You can never be too old! Also, nice website. It's got lots of potential!

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