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Siblings. Yes or no?



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  1. 1. In my opinion, I...

    • Don't like my siblings
    • Like having my siblings
    • Am fine without any siblings
    • Want siblings
    • Do not want siblings

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@kari You totally are! My bf has siblings like that, though. Her brother is about the chillest, most fun dude on the planet, and that's saying a lot for brothers, I think.


It's funny, I have friends who have a very small daughter, and when asked if they would have another child, the mom actually said it was a good thing that the parents outnumber the children in their house! Ah, well, I guess I'll just know when the time comes.

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i love having my sibling! my sister is so nice and goofy! and we really get along together. i mean shes 6 years older than me and we are like best friends! We love each other and rarely get in fights. 80% of the time we get along and only 20% of the time, we dont get along! honestly, it would be really boring without my sister!

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Being interested in psychology, I have observed the people around me based on their siblings and come to the conclusion that there are three major groups of people: only children, single sibling children, and greater than one sibling children. For the most part (not all, please don't misunderstand me), only children seem to be more self-involved and confident. Their parents dote on them and obsess over them, so they're used to being the centre of attention. They usually have big personalities, and don't get along well with everyone, though they may have followers. I don't know of any who wouldn't like to have a sibling. This group also includes people with much older siblings - they generally don't feel like their siblings, and they aren't usually treated as equals. The second group contains myself, so I don't have sufficient distance to analyze, but I think this group is generally where the 'I can't stand my sibling' stereotype comes in. With only one focus of their sibling attention, one-on-one siblings often clash heavily, especially as pre-teens and teenagers. They see each other too much and get sick of each other. Once they grow older, I think they generally get much closer. The third group, many siblings, contains the most well rounded individuals. Less effort is put into the sibling-sibling dynamic - by that I mean less pressure on each person-person group. When you're mad at sibling 1, you can go talk to sibling 2 instead. They generally tend to be close, supportive families. In this group there are also the parent-children, where a child has siblings much younger than themselves. These individuals tend to be much more mature than others. In summation, I think it's best to have three or more children, for the kid's well being. Unfortunately not so much for the environment.

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Today I learned my brother is claustrophobic. He screamed when I put my foot on his chest. I stopped when he almost cried.

lol, my sister claims she's claustrophobic, but she never does anything like that :P


I have 1 brother and 1 sister and honestly- they're two of my favourite people on the planet.


My sister is definitely my best friend ever. We have the same taste in clothes, music, food, EVERYTHING so we get along really amazingly.

The only thing she ever does that bothers me is take my clothes without asking. :|

Almost like me and my sister, cept we're the complete opposites, I'm black and she's white, though she always enjoys my opinion and borrowing my jackets which get annoying after awhile <_<

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Ro -


Interesting observations! I generally agree with your thoughts. Being an only child, I know I'm definitely used to being the center of attention! Although sometimes my mom acts like a younger sister. :laughingsmiley:

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Actually, dual siblings have another trait, wherein the younger is more immature/dependent and the older is more mature/independent. Forgot that. Thanks, Amileah.

Thats just like me and my sister! wow never thought of it like that!

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I have a younger brother, we arent super close but we get along OK.

my children are twin girls and they have a younger brother 16 months younger. they love each other oodles, but the hardest part is when the girls go play with their friends and their brother always wants to go with them, when he cant, he just cries. its pretty sad!

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lol, my sister claims she's claustrophobic, but she never does anything like that :P


Yea, I think my brother is just exagerating at that point. But he can sometimes get scared in tight spaces.

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I think it depends on the gender of the siblings and the age difference. I have a brother one year younger and we were fine, always playing together, going to school, stand up for each other, he is my favorite.

Now, if I had a sister who would take my clothes and stuff i probably would have problems with her...girls...

Also if my sibling was much younger or much older we wouldn't have the same interests. He'd be still family but not so much of a friend you know?

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I think it depends on the gender of the siblings and the age difference. I have a brother one year younger and we were fine, always playing together, going to school, stand up for each other, he is my favorite.

Now, if I had a sister who would take my clothes and stuff i probably would have problems with her...girls...

Also if my sibling was much younger or much older we wouldn't have the same interests. He'd be still family but not so much of a friend you know?

I have that with my brother he's 10 years younger than me and I always feel that he's closer to my sister than me. I think it's because I'm so much older he looks at me as more of the babysitter than another kid :(

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I love having my siblings. I have 4 sisters, one is 25,a year older than I am, and has two children. Three are younger than I am, ages are 14, 13, and 11. I get along with all of them very well, although my younger sisters are frustrating sometimes! (Honestly, I don't remember being as difficult as they are when I was their ages!) The only thing I would wish for would be to have a brother, there's too much "girl power" in my family, lol!

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I don't have siblings that I'm close to- I have half brothers and step siblings. I'd like to have a closer relationship with the siblings I have, but...it doesn't bug me too much not having them.

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I have two younger siblings: a brother and sister. I love them both and I would be miserable without them. We fight like most siblings of course but they are very precious to me. :wub_anim:

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I have a few siblings but they live with other families/step-parents so I can never see them.

The one I do live with is my sister, she's a bit messy and can be a pain but I love her to death.


She hates me, or so she says.

I probably couldn't get rid of her, it would get boring in this house if it was just me.

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Yeah I have a younger brother and I used to be pretty brutal if we fought.

We like similar things like music and gaming, and we get on better now that neither of us live at home.

I would definitely rather have him than not have him that's for sure!

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I have two younger brothers, one three years younger, one six years younger. I love them....when their nice, but otherwise I can't STAND them. Oddly I'm closer to my youngest brother now versus my other brother. Mainly because he's a jerk all the bloody time.

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I have two sisters, both younger than me (but we are all adults now). One of them consistently drives me crazy with her neediness. The other one refuses to seek therapy for her lying and bad parenting and so we don't speak anymore. Somedays I wish I never had sisters at all. It sounds mean but it's a poll so I'm just keeping it real.

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I have 2 sisters and one bro. My bro is 26 then comes my sister 24 then my other sister 21 and I am 13 (TURNING 14!) I am the youngest :3


We fight and after 2 minutes we talk again. I can't imagine my life without them but I am not keen in exchanging my place and not remaining the youngest one. I just love being the youngest you see :D

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