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What is the last thing that you ate?


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Really? :laughingsmiley: I am so glad!

I love rice too! I have grown up eating it.


I am eating a bread right now. I was quite hungry, and bread was the only good thing in our refrigerator. (I think my mom hid my ice-cream somewhere <_< )

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I just made me a smoothie with bananas, and strawberries. If that counts as eating XD.

But the last thing I fully ate was some tangerines.

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Rice! I eat it almost every day. Perhaps 5 out of 7 or something. x3 I love it! ^^

Welcome to the rice eating club! :laughingsmiley:


I see, rice is pretty popular here.


The last thing I ate was bread.

Oh, I have already mentioned that in my previous post.

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Ate rice and curry.


I think I am the only one who eats rice here.

I loooooove rice, especially with chicken. I haven't had it in while; when it gets hot I become so LAZY and don't want to cook anything, not even rice.

Last thing I ate was cottage cheese with pineapple. It grosses me out, but it's delicious despite it's odd texture.

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I loooooove rice, especially with chicken. I haven't had it in while; when it gets hot I become so LAZY and don't want to cook anything, not even rice.

Last thing I ate was cottage cheese with pineapple. It grosses me out, but it's delicious despite it's odd texture.

I know, rice is totally amazing, ESPECIALLY with chicken. My favorite dish. :wub_anim:

Pineapple with cheese? :O This was odd. :laughingsmiley:


The last thing I ate was cereal. My all time breakfast.

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Pineapple with cheese sounds odd, but it's sooooo good. The pineapple juice mixes in so well with the flavor of the cheese and MMMMM! And it has to be really cold, the colder the better.

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Pineapple with cheese sounds odd, but it's sooooo good. The pineapple juice mixes in so well with the flavor of the cheese and MMMMM! And it has to be really cold, the colder the better.

Sounds awesome! :)

I will ask my mom if she can make some for me. We have lots of cheese in our house, but sadly, no pineapples.

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I'm eating my dinner at the computer... Steak. Stewed. With rice. Yummy.


I sometimes sneak a chocolate or two before bedtime.

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I had nothing to eat today. I just woke up. But I will have Chocolate Cheerios later. They taste alright, but not chocolatey enough...

Agreed! Ditto with chocolate Chex, it's just regular Chex with a few chocolate pieces scattered throughout. I love chocolate cereal for dessert, mmmm.

Last thing I ate, well haven't eaten today yet, about to go out with friends for Chinese food. So...some brushetta. That is the only time I REALLY like tomatoes.

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