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hello everyone


danni here (dannos on neo) - long time user who plays almost daily and has been for almost 10 years. yes way too long i know :).online daily and love meeting fellow neopeans who are similarly addicted.

never seem to have many neofriends online as i mostly play from around midnight so if your around and want some company drop me a line. currently hooked on keyquest and trying to train a neopet which is taking wayyy too long. cant wait to meet and help contribute to boards

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Hello and welcome to the forums, Danni!


Elle/Etsy here, I am considerably newer to the game but am online daily. ^_^


Whoa, 10 years is a long time - I am fairly new but I am indeed online around that time :3 Key Quest is lots of fun; good luck with training your pet!

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Hey Danni. I'm Jason, nice to meet you :D


Do you happen to lab or use the stock market? If you did then you would have a really strong pet or a really great stock portfolio :O. It's great that you've been playing for all 10 years though. I joined 9 years ago but I took a 3 year hiatus so I've missed out on a lot. Feel free to neofriend me. I'm usually around for about an hour at midnight so if you want you can neofriend me.

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