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I need help choosing a video game system.

Pancreatic dragon

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Christmas is coming up, But I dont know what to beg my parents for! Xbox360, PS3, or Wii?

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As an avid gamer,I think I have one hell of a wide knowledge.


Wii,or the Revolution as it used to be known, has only a few launch titles,albeit some good ones,although the control system involving the Nunchaku is kinda dodgy right now. Some games that require precision aiming might not be worthwhile innvestments as of now.


PS3 features many things including Blu-ray compatability,I tink. The processing engine is pretty sweet too. Although Sony have the largest share of the VideoGaming/Entertainment pie,they basically shot themselves in the foot when they pushed their release date beyond the Xmas sales rush. And the only reason that it's expensive is because of all the features packed in. Jeez,think a bit more before typing something...


Xbox 360 dominates the next-gen era nowadays,with the varied game lineup and add-ons. Since it's been out for so long,many kinks have been resolved in time for the Xmas rush.

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As a side note, the pricing depends on what you buy. You don't need a Nyko Cooler for your Xbox 360, or a Vision Cam, only if you want to enhance your expereience. Just buying two controllers, a multiplayer game and maybe an Xbox Live connection is good enough...

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well i think this Generation, will be the Xbox year,


PS2 was more popular because they had more contracts and all Xbox had was Microsoft


But now Xbox360 has all the deals with Rockstar, Capcom (which now been tajken over by EA) and others. that will be the must buy because nearly all games for PS3 will be relased for Xbox360 or games of that make due to all contracts they now received.


Another reason xbox360 will succeed is that they are priced £250 with games of £40 relased


The PS3 isn't out for christmas and it will cost about £700 with games bing relased at £60, pwersonally i think PS3 is a rip off, better graphics, hard to argue with Xbox

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I say the wii if you have a gamecube but I have other reasons


First of all it can play gamecube games


It can also get internet access s long as you hook it up to it.


You could also create a Mii, your own little character and you can store it on the controller.


http://wii.nintendo.com/ <-----That gives a lot of info.


But it doesn't have a lot of games out and if you don't like to move around to play video games, then you might not want to get it.

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I would go with the Wii myself though I've always been a Nintendo fan. The price is cheaper the features are more intriquing. So here's my take on it:


Wii, it's cheaper. It's easier for game designers to code for than the PS3 so it should attract more video game producers. The ability to move around while you play sounds fantastic. I like that they've made it so you can play older games too either via gamecube discs or by purchasing old games through it.


Playstation 3, it's expensive and hard to code for. They'll probably be a lot of bugs in the first batch so you'll want to wait on it. Personally, I don't need some of the extra features. I just want to play video games, that's it. I've never really been a fan of PS though. There are only a few games I liked on the previous models. Final Fantasy is big on PS.. but I prefer the old Nintendo FF games XD. The new ones are so dark (nice animation.. but dark x.x).


Xbox360, I'm clueless on XD. I haven't bothered to really research this one.


So in my opinion, Nintendo is making the more interesting systems right now.

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Go with the Wii...in my opinion Play Stations are just bad...and Xbox 360, that one isn't as bad, but the conrolers are just so HUGE

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You can buy smaller controllers.That was an issue with the original Xbox,as some Asian gamers had smaller hands than their SUV-driving Americanski counterparts..

Hmm..didn't know that, all I remember is going to a friends house when I was like 10 and trying to play an XBox and it was just so hard to try and play with those HUGE controlers. Glad that was fixxed, I might actually try and play it again.

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XBox 360 or Wii's. Definatly.


Xboxes have always been a firm favourite of mine. There chunky design appealed to my long, fiddly hands. I couldn't hack the Original Playstation handles and brought one with longer handles. I believe in quality over quantity, and the original Xbox graphics were amazingly better than those in the market at the time. Now the gap is closing, but I still think Microsoft have it covered.


Wii's are great little affordable consoles. They don't just look cool, they play cool. As long as you've got enough room, you can burn off meals playing games! I mean, that could cut obesity problems out if you moved enough. (That's why I'm a pro-dancemat dude, but lets not go there...). True, there aren't many launch titles, but you've got the virtual console inside the Wii and a few good games like Zelda to keep you occulied until the big boys hit the shelves.


In my opinion, the whole Playstation chain has gone downhill since they redid the original Playstation (PSX). The PSX was admittedly cooler looking than its older relative, but was just an obvious ploy to get more money. When the PS2 came out, I thought the graphics were appaling for its generation and couldn't figure out why the console was so popular. Now the PS3 has come out (With very limited stock and is like a bedroom filled to the ceiling with clutter in terms of useless features) it's another obvious ploy to get more money.


So, to sum it up, Wii's good value for money, Xboxes are a lot of money but you get what you pay for, and PS3 are, well, a waste of money. :P

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I guess its all for the Wii then ^_^ Unless somone decides to make a post that changes my mind.

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Did that change your mind?

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Did that change your mind?


That's creepy. x_x


Anyways, yeah, I agree that you should get the Wii.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have tried the PS3 for like 5 minutes and the graphics are not different from PS2. Wii would be a better choice.


MOD EDIT: Please make all post 4+ words.

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