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Unreleased Caption #1085!

Jenny ^_^

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cool! it looks interesting. but for some reason, every time i submit a caption, it never appears... i think TNT doesnt like me. but obviously its a scorchio under that...

No, it's because TNT liked others better. o.O And the Caption Contest is hard to get in anyway.


And that Scorchio is Shumi.

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I've only entered the caption contests twice recently. Sometimes, though, I must admit, I wonder what they were thinking with some of the captions they picked. I hope to one day, get a caption into the voting. If not a winning one.

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I've only entered the caption contests twice recently. Sometimes, though, I must admit, I wonder what they were thinking with some of the captions they picked. I hope to one day, get a caption into the voting. If not a winning one.

I agree!Sometimes the winning captions are not funny at all!


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Of course, we are all partial to our own captions. We might get mad at some of the captions and claim that our caption should have been there instead of one you don't perceive as being funny, but that's the thing. Everyone has a different sense of humor. :/

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I know a lot of people like to make references to current Neo events in their captions, also. For example, in the last one (the Lenny Day one), the winner made a reference to the Daily Dare.

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