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What would you buy from the hidden tower?


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I want to get the hidden tower avatar. I have 2 million neopoints I'm willing to spend. Should I go all out and get the faerie queen doll? I am also considering Baby PB, Royal PB or Darigan PB. What do you think would be the best buy?

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I recently got the avatar by buying a Royal PB for my cybunny 'bunnymumbles'.


Had been planning on it for a while. She's totally adorable now! :D


However I think you're out cheaper if you buy something you want, and borrow the faerie queen doll from TDN's item lending program :)

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I figured the royal PB or baby would hold its value more than the doll. I think it sells for much less on the TP. I could also get the darigan PB for my tonu, which would allow me another avatar. Decisions, decisions!

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I got the FQ doll. It's 500k more than what they go for in the tp, but I've certainly spent WAY more than that to get two avatars:)


It's easy to sell, so no biggie there. It IS a loss though, and if you aren't keen on taking one, it's best to go for something else.


Today they have darigan pb's for 1.4 mill, which is exactly what they go for on the tp-so that's a solid investment too if you're not an avatar junkie like me ;)

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I figured the royal PB or baby would hold its value more than the doll. I think it sells for much less on the TP. I could also get the darigan PB for my tonu, which would allow me another avatar. Decisions, decisions!


I would totally do that! Get the Darigan PB because 1. on the TP they are about the same price as the hidden tower 2. you can get 2 avatars and 3. you would get a pretty cool pet! Those are the reasons that you should get the darigan PB.

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I recently got the avatar by buying a Royal PB for my cybunny 'bunnymumbles'.


Had been planning on it for a while. She's totally adorable now! :D


However I think you're out cheaper if you buy something you want, and borrow the faerie queen doll from TDN's item lending program :)


tried looking her up but i guess she;s on your side? anyways congrats on the paintjob :)


if you just want the avvie i suggest you go with the baby paintbrush. that way, you can resell it having lost only about 5k total :)

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