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Times for Coltzan's Shrine: Are they true?


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I guess maybe your Neopets clock is off? I've had a few tabs open on Neopets webpages before and they don't match at all, with a difference of up to 30 seconds.

This happened to me once, when I was doing Poogle racing. I opened a new window, and the times were a good five minutes apart. o_0


& The timing has never worked for me, either. /:

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You know, the thing is, I'm pretty darn sure that I saw something on the Neopets website to the effect of "Shrine gives out dubloons at 55 seconds past!" I just can't remember where. >_<

You most likely saw it as an answer given out by the Wheel of Knowledge, from landing on the question mark tile (spot? slice? pane? hmm not sure what to call it)


It's misleading, especially since the other bits of knowledge it gives out are true, i.e. typing "plzsutekcanihavemoretime" and other game cheats.


I've gotten a few dubloons from the shrine recently, and I've never been looking at the clock when I get them unfortunately. But every time I've ever tried to click at exactly 55 seconds past the minute, I haven't gotten one. <_<


So now I don't really "try" for anything per se, however with some of you saying you've been getting awesome things at 11 past the minute I just might try that out :yes:

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