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This weapon i just spent 200k on to review. and im feeling quite cheated. it only does EIGHT ICONS. i repeat myself, i just spent 200k on a item that does 8 icons. three fire, two earth, two dark, one physical. DO NOT waste the np on buying this if its a battledome weapon, for 200k you can get two scarab rings and dish out 12 icons in the same turn compaired to this. for 200k you could buy a poisonous flower that does 9 icons arround the same icons, but in 2 player it can also make the oppoents pet ill. getting back to this weapon though, its a waste of np and time unless your looking for a over priced fancy item for your gallery.


Believe me, there are worse 8 iconers that are expensive for the icon value. *pokes Dark Battle Duck* That was actually of use until we saw the cheap 8 iconers (Pumpkin Launcher, Gold Handled Katana, Tyrannian Lupe Tooth, Electro Sword, Skeletal Fire Gun etc.)


either way if you think its good, its really really not. do not buy it unless your planning on wasteing np.


--- edit ---


ill resell it eventually. who knows maybe ill make a little profit. im not upset really its just kind of expensive xD


I must say, I don't really like the icons, this will not become my constant. I'm saving for a scuzzy's comb a FAR superior constant at the same price and guaranteed to do 10 icons. So if you're spending 200k on a constant, don't choose this, choose scuzzy's comb. Anyway, did you RS it at the shop. If so how much, I would like to know if there is a profit to be made


Ah okay, well I guess it's semi-worth it to attempt to RS.



it might be, but sense i didnt snipe it from the actual store im afraid im not of much help to you. you can buy the coltzan's shields from the tradeing post so if any of the battlepedia memebers want to test it there going for round 150k - 300k a couple of weeks ago.

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