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meerca bros...

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ok, so i am trying to prepare like the dickens for the henchmen, i found a pretty good way to do it, but i may be a total moron but how do i know for 100% certain that they are frozen?


here is what i would LIKE to do:


Turn #1: Use Your Bone Sceptre and Downsize! and the ability Fiery Gaze/Diamond Dust. Now If You Have 40hp† And Froze The Meerca Henchmen With Fiery Gaze/Diamond Dust Continue To Turn #2 If You Did Not Please Try Again! Please Dont Get Frustrated! It takes Awhile But It will all Be Worth it!


Turn #2: Now that The Meerca Henchmen Are Frozen you can deal a great amount of damage to them! Use 2 Stone Muffins and a Fierce Attack to deal a A critical blow!


Turn #3: Okay Watch out Because this is the turn that seals your Fate! Use Your Bone Sceptre, Scroll of Freezing and The Ability Burrow and PRAY THAT YOU DID NOT DIE OR DOUBLE FREEZE! If you Double Froze unfortunately you're gonna have to start over! But if You Are Still alive I have Good News There is a 90% Chance you will win!


Turn #4: Okay Now That The Meerca Henchmen Are Frozen Again! You Can Use Your Last 2 Stone Muffins and A Fierce Attack To Deal More Damage To the Meerca Henchmen!


Turn #5 (Last Turn): This is It! Use Your Thick Smoke Bomb, Bone Sceptre and a Fierce Attack To Kick the Meerca Henchmens' Butt! That's it You've Done It! You've Beaten The Meerca Henchmen!


but i dont want to blow a stone muffin (turn 2) without knowing for sure they are frozen...


any help, i feel like an idiot for even asking!

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ok, so i am trying to prepare like the dickens for the henchmen, i found a pretty good way to do it, but i may be a total moron but how do i know for 100% certain that they are frozen?


but i dont want to blow a stone muffin (turn 2) without knowing for sure they are frozen...


any help, i feel like an idiot for even asking!


You will know they are frozen when you see the snowflake below their name and also the word frozen.


nice strategy by the way, though you might want to use unstable slime (or something like ice club or stone club) rather than bone sceptar.. oh and I think you mean "get frozen" not double freeze on turn 3 (Anyways, anytime you get frozen against the meerca brothers, it's a very high probability that you will lose.)


Good luck! ^_^

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Let's see: If you use the Scroll of Freezing on turn 3, and both are frozen, I would go till the end, since you can win. After they freeze you, they lose the freezer (Which deals too much damage) so if they use it againon the following turns, it will count as "nothing".


If I recall, at this point, they may hit an completely "empty" turn.


I would also leave one of the Stone Muffins to the turn with the Thick Smoke Bomb. This is because Meerca Henchmen either hit with Berzerk (50% more damage to both of you) or with Sink (Blocks pretty much everything expect Air and Earth damage). Thus, if they use berzerk, you will still block all damage, use your Fierce/Berzerk attack, and due to their Berzerk, deal n additional 50% worth damage.

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all i had to do was, first turn magma blaster, ylana's blaster and sink. second turn magma ylana's burrow. third turn i got a bit crazy used greater healing scroll ylana's blaster and berzerk attack and beat them in three rounds without all the freezeing muffins and everything else. then again i might have a bit better stats then your pet i havent looked. strength boost was important on my end sense i was purely crazy the whole time xD

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there! ^_^

Nice strategy, but instead of using Bone Sceptre, try Unstable Slime/Pumpkin Launcher/Golden Compass. They're 7/8/9 iconers and much stronger.

You'll see if they're frozen or not if they have a snowflake under their power bar.

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