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I'm Back!!!!

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Remember C.A.V. from the summer? Well, it's me. For some reason I wasn't able to sign in and couldn't use my account. I kept on forgeting but I finally made a new account. So I'm back and ready for action!

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Welcome back :) also you couldn't log into your account? :O...


No, I was told to change my password and afterward it wouldn't let me log in...


CAV! -Flying tackle hug-


I remember you! What have you been doing while you were ghone and why'd you ditch the ghost hissi avvie? :O


I've been around. As for the hissi avvie, I can't find it :(, so for now I took a Randy Orton one, because it looks cool.

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Did you possibly use caps and forgot you did?


And if i'm right, that WAS the time when TDN had that hacker dude. Thank god he wasn't a CGer as well. :O




OH! And as for my last post, I fpund a picture to go with it! =D




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Did you possibly use caps and forgot you did?


And if i'm right, that WAS the time when TDN had that hacker dude. Thank god he wasn't a CGer as well. :O


Aw, man, that's too funny!


And yeah, that was the time of the hacker, he ruined my account!!!


As for caps, maybe, but now it's too late :(.


Hey, under the avatar it would say something like newbie or neat person, how do you change the text like you did? I never figured it out.

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Neither, but because of the hacker, I had to change my TDN password, which wouldn't work, therfore ruining my account.


No my acual Neopets account is safe. Good thing.

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Aw, man, that's too funny!


And yeah, that was the time of the hacker, he ruined my account!!!


As for caps, maybe, but now it's too late :(.


Hey, under the avatar it would say something like newbie or neat person, how do you change the text like you did? I never figured it out.

Aww ;(

I wonder why would someone hack someone elses TDN account though...

Is Neopets hackable?

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