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Help with a Christmas Activity, Please


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I want to send a friend of mine on a hunt through my house for his Christmas gift. I plan to give a succession of clues for him to follow to find the next clue, then the next, and so on, until he finds his gift. I wanted to use riddles and cryptograms (stuff like in the TDN Halloween Plot). I was planning to have 8-12 steps.


However, I'm really busy tonight, so I don't have time to spend doing a great job on this (especially since I have to wrap a present containing each clue). Does anyone want to give me a hand coming up with puzzles for this?


I need 8-12 word puzzles, cryptograms, riddles, clues, etc.

Puzzles can be a bit tricky.

Any location in my house or yard is fair game.

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Well I'd recommend some codes, but I've been told that my codes are way too hard to break. :P


Eh, I'll point out one method I've used in the past anyway:


And now I can post the answer to the scenario that nobody got right. :devil:


The message was encoded with a method that involved both scrambling and disguising.




First you get rid of all the spaces:



Now, I mentioned as a hint to look for the one number that was repeated twice, which in this case was the number five. So you break the message up into groups of five letters:



Next, you write each of the groups in its own column to form a grid:







Then, you form another string of letters by reading across the grid:



Now the two numbers repeated in the code come into play again. The message was disguised by hiding it in a whole load of junk text, so you get rid of everything except the letters in between the two number '5's:



Then you simply reverse the text to get:



black sheep


I love the grid scrambling method, it's effective yet easy to use. b)

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