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Let me introduce me-self,


I am arielo_o, please call me Ariel. I come from the far-away land of Quebec, Canada. Here there is so much snow we cannot go outside, not that I am complaining I love staying home watching movies and playing neopets for hours. Don't get me wrong I also love the outside, even when it is that cold but for now I just don't feel like it.

So more general thing about me... I am a 23 years old girl, I study in University of Montreal in Russian language and culture. I work in a call center for a major cellphone company and I am a desperate romantic and hum... that's it for the main points about me.


I don't want you to get bored, well you... who reads this anyways?


If you are there please make yourself know, just so I know I am not alone!






Very well, I found about about this forum while looking at guilds on neopets, I actually remember this site from way back when I was obsessed with neopets, yes I took an almost 3 years break coming back now and then just to play a little in altador cup or something, but now I am back for real, even if my Krawk and beautiful unconverted faerie Pteri got stolen, and all my millions gone :( (okay, I only had about 2 mil) But NO!! NO OF THAT SHALL STOP ME!!! I shall start neopets again, you know when you love something no one can take it away from you, not even scammers!

*Warning: If ever I were to finnally get a boyfriend (after more than 3 years of being alone) I think I would play much less, you know real-life is not really interesting these days.


So the purpose of me coming here? Well making new neofriends of course, and having some online fun!


And that is it, I will stop writing now, because knowing myself I could go on for hours and hours. So well if you have any questions, comments or violent reactions fell free to post :)

*Take the actual violent reactions elsewere, I like peace!

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Welcome to the TDN Forums, Ariel! You came to the right place if you are looking to meet other friendly Neopians. TDN is a great place, full of great people. And you are far from being the only Canadian here (or the only Québécoise, or the only one buried under snow! :D); I also hail from the Great White North. My name is Meghan, btw. I'm a biologist (botanist) and teacher Northern Ontario.


Sorry to hear about your previous Neopian losses. Like so many others, my account was also scammed before, though I was incredibly lucky and lost nothing. Glad to hear that you decided to rebuild, though.

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Hey there, I 'm glad someone is out there with me (both on the forum and in the snow:))


You are really lucky to have lost nothing! I still feel really really lucky tough, some people never get their account back. At least I still have my trophies and my lab ray!

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