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Codestone Training!


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All your stats must be some sort of equivalent of the pets level. If your at level 1 then your max stat you can train at that point is 2pts in each category (HP-STR-DEF-MOV) if your pet is at level 19 you can train the pet stats to 38 pts each category (HP-STR-DEF-MOV)



So your leveling is important. I do train movement as well... if I am training a pet to trade as people see the completely even stats as a plus. I am not sure what the movement really does in battle but I wonder if it affects the luck and breakability of items?


Strength and Defense are HUGE!! BTW, it affects the usability of your battle items! Depending on the item it can greatly affect the amount of damage you deal.


For example a fiery muffin will to 1-4 pts of damage for a single use with a pet of around 10pts str and def, but if you had 50pts str and def then it would do say around 10-15 pts damage... though not accurate that is an example.

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Just popping into say that Movement is not completely useless.


The Heavy Robe Of Thievery requires a movement stat of 200+ and intell. of 68+.


Strength and defence are crucial in the BD.

Did you know that high strength and defence actually gives your pet a boost? This can boost (heh) the functionality of your weapons!

See our BD Stength and Defense Boosts guide at the BP for more info. ;)

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Just popping into say that Movement is not completey useless.


The Heavy Robe Of Thievery requires a movement stat of 200+ and intell. of 68+.


Strength and defence are crucial in the BD.

Did you know that high strength and defence actually gives your pet a boost? This can boost (heh) the functionality of your weapons!

See our BD Stength and Defense Boosts guide at the BP for more info. ;)

A column in the table in the article is "strength/ defense." Does this mean the ratio of strength to defense?

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Few things here.


You can train your stats to up to 2x of your level, expect for HP, which you can train to 3x, but to train any other stat again, you have to get HP to 2x of everything else again.


The best way to train would likely be to rise the level to near the level cap of the training margin, (20, 40, 80 etc.) then trai other stats near the cap, and then max them all. The reason not to train them to the very limit is so that you can keep doing KQs, Faerie Quests etc.. Then, after you've maxed the stats, you move to the next, then repeat.


I ususally myself train level to just enough so that Ican train STR and DEF to next boost, then train HP to same level, then agility and then max the stats and go on.

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