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buzz avi


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I seriously have never been able to get this to work for me...


10352230937 was my code i viewed from the source and i entered in the whole url




and nothing....


does anyone else have problems with this one working? is it just me?

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  • 3 weeks later...

That one took me a bit to get also....what ended up working for me was tabbing to it.


Above the picture, click your mouse directly to the right of the word "help". You have to stay close to it, but just an empty spot on the page to set your place. Hit the tab button ONLY 5 times, then hit enter. It should put you in the right spot...if not let us know and I'll try to do some digging and find alternative methods.

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I don't know if this has already been answered, but I had tons of trouble with this avvie too! Did you trying searching for "buzzmap"? that one worked for me. I think you have to click find twice or so, but its a href tag on it, and you just add the little ending with the number after "neopets.com". Sorry if that was confusing!


There is another way of getting in real close and clicking a single pixel on the tip of the buzz's lower antenna...but that way is much harder I find :P


G/L if you dont already have it! :)

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