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I have a question. (If it's in the wrong section, feel free to beat me.)


I've been playing Key Quest recently and have received several neggs. Now, I was wondering what they are for exactly? I know you can trade them for better neggs through the Neggery but then what do you do with the good neggs? What are the effects of feeding them to your pets? Should you sell them? What are they for?


Sorry if this is a nooby question. ^_^'

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Some neggs will increase your pet's happiness or stats... However I'm not an expert on neggs, I usually sell them. I think someone else can answer your question better than I :)

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The TDN Battlepedia has a great guide that outlines the uses for various neggs. Have a look at what the neggs do, and if you see something that you like, you can save up for it by trading in your neggs at the Neggery. Chances are, you're just better off selling the neggs and putting the neopoints toward your goal in a different way (i.e. - buying Codestones to pay for training or the lab map to change your pet's colour, etc.).

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I usually just end up selling them. but there is good money for the rarer neggs. it costs less to save up cheaper neggs to get the bigger neggs than to buy the bigger neggs straight out. you can make a good profit doing it that way if people actually buy them

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