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Little background...

I don't have a ton to spend, I use a phone for neo and can't run ANY script :(

I have about 100k to spend and use lab ray to train


Current stats:

Lv 23

Hp 78

St 63

Df 42

Mv 21


My current set is

Scarab ring x2

Hand painted scarab x2


Greater scroll of healing

Illusens earth potion (yay cheap bomb)

And something else I doubt I use


I can beat most chalengers up to 100

How can I cheaply improve this set??


Scarab ring

Golden Compass


Greater scroll of healing

Purple Sticky Hand

Snowglobe Staff

Leaf Shield

(Water Muffin for hard, important battles)


This is pretty much the best you can get for 100kish. It will go a bit over the budget, but you should be able to manage. (10k for sticky hand, 50k for Snowglobe staff and 70k for Golden compass) (Don't be in a hurry to get the golden compass though, the scarab rings you have are quite good, also can use Unstable Slime as an alternative)


I have been considering a golden compas just cause dark can be kinda pesky. I think im on the witch doctor now and he wrecks me :(


Sorry sorry sorry for the double post. I ment to add this in one of the last 12 times I posted... lol. Why the scarab ring and not hand painted scarab?? Better icons of dmg??

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