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Edna's Spooky Quests


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I was wondering. Has anyone done the three different things that edna wanted for a prize? I know we don't have a lot of time left but has anyone done the Brain Tree, Esophagor, and Ednas quest this month and recieved the prize. If so what did you get? I am trying to decide if its worth it to do the brain tree. I got a super cheap Esophagor the first time i tried it but right after i accepted the brain tree quest I got an item that was 50k + and i forgot to save the first answer so i just gave up.

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I kept trying to do the quests every day because Esophagor was asking for such expensive items. A week ago or so, I got lucky and Esophagor asked for cheap items both times, so I was able to do all three quests. (All three quests didn't cost me more than 4000 NP, and 3000 was for Edna.) The prize I got was a book that was about... 5000 NP or so, but I heard some people got pretty good prizes. XD

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Oh so the prize is different for everyone? I also gotten a book and it is on Esophagor..

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