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^ Indeed I do.

< Not very well though.

v Should I take a shot at reviving our RP board once again?

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^ Well I'm not about to stop you. Our RP board is too dead for refusals anyway. :P

< I used to be a pretty heavy RPer, back in the days when our RP board was active (and in the brief revival we had a few months ago). It's located here.

v Any ideas?

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^ I have an idea, I will flesh it out tonight, and/or tomorrow, so that I can start a strong RP :D


< Wants very much to eat something other than soup...


V Do you know how annoying it is to be on a liquid/soft diet because you can't swallow anything else? >.<

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^ Negative.

< I do however know how it feels to be surviving on an IV drip because you can't eat or drink anything. Fortunately this was only for a short period.

v *is excited at the potential of having a new RP topic to spend time on*

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^ Around 22:00.

< I appear to be forgetting to ask actual questions again. xD

v Accosted... how long has it been since you've last seen that used? *awesomeness*

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^ hehehe. Other than by myself in my own writing? I don't really know, actually.


< I try to use all of my extensive vocabulary as often as possible. Though, sometimes, that task is much more impossible than it seems.


v If you could have ANY animal as a pet, what would it be? It does not have to be one in this world, just preferably one well-established in fiction if you choose an otherworldy creature :P

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< No seriously. :P

v Will you be around for Neopets midnight?

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^ As neopets Midnight has already occurred (and as it is in my own timezone) yes. Apparently I am.


< Oh my god, totally gross, I just discovered why I couldn't breathe properly, but I will leave that unsaid. LOL


v What is your end-goal in terms of careers?

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^ Either NASA, Red Hat, or a full-time job at Bumpwire. The latter being the most preferable.

< Bumpwire is owned by Ian, and is the corporate entity behind TDN. ;)

v Is Bumpwire awesome or what?

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^ Not really.

< The limit of my fashion sense is remembering to open my eyes when I'm grabbing random clothes from my wardrobe. :P

v Do you get the right clothes in the right places on the first try?

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^ Ummm, yes. I tend to like to look human when I am going outside, despite my Protoss nature.

< Is almost constantly enamoured with traditional Chinese and Japanese garb and culture. I fell in love with Japan in grade 6. But not in the way, or for the reasons that the anime yuppies did. I fell in love through books, and language. We were reading 1000 paper cranes, and Tsunami, and learning Japanese in grade 6. I fell in love immediately, with the books, and the language. I have never lost that love. I loved Japanese so much that when I was forced to learn French, I developed an intense hatred of it almost immediately, simply because I did not want to be forced to learn a language when I was already in love with another, lol.

v How many languages do you speak?

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^ Umm... since programming languages don't qualify as spoken, two. xD I speak English fluently and basic Mandarin haltingly (I can understand spoken Mandarin quite well though).

< And I'm mostly Chinese by blood too. How shameful. :(

v Should I learn Chinese or Erlang?

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^Chinese, because I don't know what the other is, and am too lazy tonight to research it.


< I am getting ready to eat something, take antibiotics, and spend the next half hour doing SOMETHING (probably playing games on this forums, or refreshing it constantly until new posts come up, then going to bed.


v What is your favorite non-dairy food?? By non-dairy, I mean has no milk in it at all, lol. I'm trying to find something new to ply my tastebuds with :P

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^ Hmm... tough choice there, since I've kinda taken on a semi-classic Malaysian 'eat anything, eat more if its fried' attitude.

< Takoyaki is awesome though. :yes:

v Sushi?

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^ Sometimes. Spicy Tuna Rolls, Avocado Rolls, California Rolls, etc.

< I like tempura a lot. Especially all veggie tempura. There's a nice little Japanese place in Glenmore, about 45 minutes from me, and I love it there. Traditional Japanese dishes, and even the menu is mostly in Japanese. :P

v Favorite place to eat?

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^ In front of a plate. :P

< Usually I prefer to grab some food and then find a quiet spot somewhere on campus or at home. :yes:

v Got Firefox 4 Beta 12?

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^ Yep, but I use Chrome. Once Firefox decides to RUN FASTER, and not hog all my ram, I'll go back to it.

< I want to be not sick anymore. I feel much better, except for the lack of ability to eat solids mostly, and the coughing. Literally, other than that, I feel AWESOME!

v French or German? To learn, as a language. Not the people.

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^ Bahasa Melayu (the Malay language).

< I'm not good with human languages. xD

v Do you know why Firefox hogs RAM for some people?

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