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^ Yes. I used to write a lot. In fact, in grades 8 and 9 I wrote three novels... which I subsequently deleted after attempting to edit them and not liking the outcome any better than the originals.


< I still write, but not nearly as much as I did when I was in school. Now most of my writing is triggered by statements made by other people on the forums that I frequent. I once wrote an 8 page rant responding to just one sentence. That was a particularly offensive sentence made by a player that played on my server when I ran it.


v What's your favorite genre of written literature?

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^ In my own humble opinion? Hmmm... Well, I like Natural Disaster movies, so my personal choice would be The Day After Tomorrow


< If I were to branch out and think of other genres, the movies I watched the most would be the Lord of the Rings series (the best movies EVER to be based off books), and The Illusionist, and The Book of Eli (only movie ever to surprise me with a plot twist).


v What do you like in your subway sandwiches?

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^Ahem: Subway club with swiss cheese, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, a little bit of onion, LOTS of black olives, mayo, salt'n'pepper all on whole wheat.

<I get it every time

v spoons, forks or sporks?

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^ Well, I own more forks, but only because I use my spoons so much, and end up losing them :P

< I eat a lot of home-made soups. And hot cereals in the morning (usually corn meal). And other things that require spoons.

v Salt and Vinegar, Salt and Pepper, or just plain Salt? (chips)

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^ Depends on which device I am using. If it's my TV, it never goes above 7 (unless it's a DVD, cause those are quiet). If it's my MP3 player (which has a max volume of 20) it never goes above 16. If it's my computer, I have no idea. My speaker system has a dial to regulate it, but nothing to tell me what percent it's at. Welcome back to the games chat, btw. :P


< Has too many devices.


v What is your favorite electronic device (other than your phone) to take with you when you go out?

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^ Not using any iDevices. :P

< More seriously, I hope to be a free and open source software developer. Also, it's good to be back in the games chat. :D

v Is it good to have me back in the games chat d'you think?

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