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^ white rice, with chili paste, chicken, and honey.


< I mixed all of that together one day and liked it.


V Would you live in an active volcano if you could survive the heat?

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^ With immunity to heat and lava? Yes, yes I would.

< Otherwise no...no I would not.

V Do you know the name of the animal in TC's siggy? I do...


^Uh, it looks like a zebra horse cross.

< I really don't have a clue.

v What's your favourite zoo animal?


^Not yet, but it's only 11:00 am so....

< The other word for it is a Tasmanian Tiger right?

V Could the above be considered my question?


^ Um... *pokes head out window*

< :P

v Yay?



< It's cold today....and the shortest day of the year! Yay winter!

V What's your favorite season?


^ Dogs seem to be...

< And I'm still getting over being afraid of them!

v Did you know that there is a squirrel card game called S'Quarrels?


^ No I did not...

< *yawn*

v Are you sleepy?


^ My guess? You either got too much sleep or not enough.

< There is such a thing as getting too much sleep!

v Have you heard of those alarm clocks that wake you up right at the end of a sleep cycle nearest to when you actually want to wake up?


^ I've heard of them.

< But I think I'd prefer a cold-bucket-of-water alarm clock. xD

v Trying any beta software at the moment?


^Yes, the bottom is a question as the top is an answer

<That's the way it's done here

V what forum?

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