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So I was wondering...


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Everybody talks about this Magma PB in connection with this plot but i see very little proof. The only thing even close that I have seen is the flaming meerca in the comic.

If there is some form of proof ie colors or images or even a TNT text I would be intrested. I guess what I am saying is if there is PROOF please post the links to it or point me in the right direction.

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I also think that the flaming meerca is the only clue so far... But it does make sense since it still has to be released and they might as well do that at the end of the plot or something.

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The comics keep elluding to it. So i would go with the theory that it could possibly be released like zombie says. It would be a paint brush I would search for, a flaming jubjub would be awesome ;3

i hope magma isnt going to be strickly for the meercas T^T if it is true.

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