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Kotor and other Star wars games fans?


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I played through KOTOR2 again about four months ago. Love it, despite it's somewhat funky combat system. I cannot wait for the Old Republic MMO to come out, I have a feeling it's going to be great!


I also love Jedi Academy, even though I suck at playing it online, it's still a blast.

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I've played both KotORs light side and dark side each.

Dark side's easier to beat, btw ;)


The first KotOR was really good, but I was pretty disappointed with the second one. It wasn't the same.

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Well it's actually really simple. Just run away, since she doesn't move, and then go to one of those little nooks around the outer edge of the room. The lightsabers are gonna chase you, but might get stuck to on the way. So basically you should be able to take out all of the lightsabers without her trying to kill you at the same time (and if you're lucky, get to them one at a time). The once the lightsabers are dead, go over and kill her.


She should be pretty easy. Just use the glitches in the game (the level up one and the attack-and-heal-at-the-same-time-with-no-loss-in-force-points one) and you should be able to beat her pretty easily.

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Yeah, in both of the games.

Whenever you level up, your health is fully restored, and while you're healing (when the icon is lit up in the box), if you pick a special attack, like flurry, then it'll cast heal and do flurry at the same time. You just have to keep on selecting the attack while healing.

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I played both, millions of times! But it was when they came out so I haven't played either in ages! Do you have any information on kotor 3 - is it gonna be a MMO? Do you have any links or anything? I'm desperate for info but I can never find any!

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I heard that they're not going KotOR 3, because Biocorps isn't getting funding or something.

It was a while ago, and I don't remember the details, but I've heard that it's probably not going to be made. Dunno if it was fact or just some rumor though.

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