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Help George Build an Amusement Park!


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Hey guys and gals.


I'm starting a new gallery project.


The premise? an amusement park. each category will represent a ride or an attraction (or even just a ticket booth) and will be linked to on a visual map of the park (sort of like how the neopian shops operate currently).


My ideas so far:

  • Ticket Booth - a collection of tickets and other related things
  • Newspaper Stand/Waiting Area - benches, reading materials, anything you would find in a waiting/meeting area
  • Arcade
  • Haunted House
  • Petting Zoo
  • Snack Bar
  • Creepy Stuff - fortune tellers, weird snacks, etc
  • Barf Zone
  • House of Mirrors
  • Bandstand


The names of the categories are lame right now, but they will be made unique when the gallery is finally launched.


What you can do to help: suggest new attractions/rides, relevant items, tips and tricks (if you're a long time gallery keeper). This is the biggest project I've undertaken. ever. So I will take all the help I can get from the nice folks here.


Will I take donations? Absolutely, after I let you think about it for a week. I don't want people parting with stuff they'll regret not having in a week's time. Let me know if there's anything sitting around your SDB that you feel could really contribute to my amusement park, and take a week to mull it over. if you still want to contribute in a week's time, I'll be more than happy to take it off your hands!


All ideas, contributions, etc will be credited one way or another within my gallery.


Have a nice day, and brainstorm away!




This space will be updated with my progress.




None yet, I haven't started.




I want to do rides, but don't know how to do rollercoasters, etc. Any ideas??

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Would anyone be interested in helping me out with graphics and coding and such? I'm not the most active player around (an hour or two a day) so in terms of time commitment it would be super flexible. you'd get lots of autonomy in terms of how things will look, and of course you'd get all the credit!


I'm not sure if this is allowed by TNT, but if it is I'd be happy to give honorariums (in neopoints obviously) and I do have some pretty valuable items i'd be willing to part with for some help in this area.


thanks in advance!




@linda: yeah you're right half those ideas won't make the final cut. I'd rather have a few quality categories than a bunch of generic ones. Do you have any ideas on items, etc I can put for haunted house?


@Sara: yeah that would be the snack bar :)


@Cassie: souvenirs sound cool. Know any semi-valuable souvenir-type items I could put in that category?


Just to clarify, I'm not looking for quantity over quality. I'm the kind of person who's always looking ahead, so anything that would give me an excuse to invest in items of value or items that would appreciate in value would be preferable to just spending my money on 100 junk items and making 15 categories for them.


My endgoal is to hopefully win the gallery spotlight, so I do look for quality :)

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