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Donate to TDN avatar lending


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I just brought something for the first time from TDN's donation shop (for the lending program). Do they prefere it if you give the sand back? As I have no use for it, but at the same time if they really DON'T want it back I don't want to be annoying... lol...




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I always return my sand. I have no use for it, and I recall Izzy once saying something about not enjoying having to shop for more sand for the donation shop.

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I always send my sand back... I also recall Izzy saying something about not liking to get the sand herself. ;)


I was planning to start donating 2000np on a regular basis, but then I got hacked... I think that when I have more np to spare I'll start donating again.

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I usually make about 50k a day by gameing, i can spare a bit here and there xD it would help keep my bank with even numbers.


Wow i can only stand to play games until maybe 20k if that. I try to donate when i don't have a huge goal in mind but i always seem to have something big i want.

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I'm saving for lap maps, I only need 2 more pieces (ekk! :) ) but once I've done that I'm gonna donate more regularly - my goals after that are so massive (like the Adam avatar) a few thousand neopoints here or there won't be so bad.

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Wow i can only stand to play games until maybe 20k if that. I try to donate when i don't have a huge goal in mind but i always seem to have something big i want.


Me too. I used to be able to earn 30K, but after they've adjusted the NP ratio, I can barely stand to play 10K to 15K. 50K is amazing!


I would think sending the sand back would make sense, since they'd constantly need sand for donations... I really need to start donating, too, after I reach my current goal...

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Haha similar conundrum- I have many large goals but figure 1k here or there is not so much! (just donated a bit)


I like donating to things every now and then in small increments, so I can donate more but don't feel like I'm setting myself back from my goal.


Wow, I can't even earn 3k with games before getting bored! 50/20k... :O

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Well since the original question for this topic has already been answered, I think its safe to lock this topic now. :)

Questions referring to the ALP can usually be directed to this topic, so that Izzy and Ashley can reply sooner, most likely. ;)


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